Cancer Fighting Foods

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Homeostatis: The tendency towards a relatively stable equilibrium between independent elements of the internal environment of the body, especially physiological processes.

Hormone: A chemical substance that is produced in the body by an organ or cells of an organ and released directly into the blood stream. It has a specific regulatory action on the activity of a certain organ, cells or tissues.

HPV: Human Papilloma Virus.

Hunger: Hunger is the body’s physical response to the need for food for energy. Hunger is a feeling you are born with.

Hydrogenation: It is a process by which liquid vegetable oil with the aid of hydrogen is turned into harmful solid fat like margarine – called Trans Fat and Trans Fatty Acid (TFA).

Hydrotherapy: The use of water to treat muscle and joint disorders.

IGF: Insulin like Growth Factor.

Immune System: A collection of body cell substances and structures (specific antibodies or sensitised white blood cells) that work to protect the body from disease causing organisms and from the development of cancer.

Immunity: A state of resistance to diseases through the defence activities of the immune system.

Infection: The invasion of the body by microorganisms that reproduce and multiply causing harm and disease.

Inflammation: A bodily immune response to injury, infection or destruction characterised by heat, redness, pain, swelling and disturbed function.

Insulin: The hormone produced by the pancreas to help transport glucose from the blood stream to sites of utilisation in the body and to control blood sugar levels and the lack of which causes diabetes.

Insulin Resistance: A condition exhibiting suboptimal response to physiological levels of insulin. It may be due to increased circulating glucagon or a relative insulin receptor deficiency where plasma insulin is high relative to glucose.

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