Print This Post- the minimum as salt leads to accumulation of water in the tissues and expels calcium from the body.
17. Fruits — All kinds of seasonal fruits can be taken with the exception of those belonging to the citrus group like orange, grapefruit. More suitable fruits include: apricots, all berries like strawberries, mangoes, melons, papayas, apples, fruit juices diluted by 50% water.
18. Vegetables and Salads — Carrots; broccoli; pumpkins; mushrooms; beans especially black; leafy green vegetables; winter squash; tomatoes; kale; parsley; green, yellow and red peppers; green chilies; sweet potatoes; fennel; onions; garlic; ginger. Carrot juices (300ml) alone or in combination with beetroot (100ml) and cucumber (100ml) juice or with spinach (200ml) is very helpful. Thin vegetable soups without oil or starch can be liberally taken. Herbal and green tea without milk and sugar in moderation only. Intake of honey has soothing effects.
19. Nuts and Seeds – A handful of nuts like almonds, walnuts; and hazelnuts; seeds like pumpkin, fenugreek (methi), sesame, and linseeds are beneficial for sinusitis and overall health.
20. Wholegrain Sprouts — Bengal gram (Kala chana); black gram (urad); green gram (moong); and wheat sprouts are a powerhouse of nutrition. Soyabean and tofu can be taken in moderation only.
21. Animal Foods — Skimmed or very low fat milk and yoghurt containing calcium has a marked effect in overcoming inflammation of the tissues. But whole fat milk and its products tend to thicken and increase mucus secretions. Lean meat, liver, oily fish and poultry (excluding eggs) can be consumed in moderation only.
22. We should avoid antibiotics for sinus infections as most clear up on their own with time. Instead try the following simple home remedies which can ease painful congestion, speed healing and prevent new infections :-