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boosts the body’s ability to overcome virtually all kinds of diseases, (ii) increases the body’s resistance to infections and (iii) slows down the ageing process.

12.     Correcting the faulty diet is of utmost importance in the treatment of sinusitis. The right natural diet can help heal our sinuses by protecting and healing mucous membranes through the strengthened immunity and reducing the growth of fungus and harmful bacteria and viruses.

13.     Most persons with sinus problems also suffer from acidity. Their diet should therefore veer to the alkaline side. It is always best to begin dietary regimen with 3-5 days detoxification and mucus cleansing diet of suitable fresh fruits, raw or steamed vegetables and salads. It is absolutely essential to avoid all irritants like coffee, tea, alcohol, strong spices, salt, sugar and smoking during this detoxification process.

14.     In the acute stage of the disease, when fever is present, the patient should abstain from all solid foods and only eat seasonal fruit and vegetable juices with water on 50:50 basis. After fever subsides, adopt a low-calorie fruit and raw vegetable diet with plenty of juices. After the acute symptoms are over, the patient may gradually embark upon a well-balanced nutritious diet of four basic food groups i.e. fruits; vegetables and salads; nuts and seeds; and wholegrain sprouts. In persistent chronic sinusitis conditions, repeated fruit and vegetable juice fasts may be undertaken for a week or so at intervals of two months.

15.     Keeping your mucous membranes hydrated will increase your resistance to infection and allow your sinuses to drain more easily; so drink 2½-3 litres (more if you exercise, are overweight and in hot weather) of water daily at regular intervals, preferably between meals.

16. Sinusitis patients should completely avoid junk fried and starchy foods; full fat milk and yoghurt, white sugar; polished rice; macaroni products; pastas; cakes; pasteries; pies; sweets and candies, coffee, tea and colas; citrus fruits. They should also avoid strong spices and meat products. Butter and ghee should be used sparingly. The intake of salt should be totally avoided or atleast reduced to

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