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infections. Natural immunity of the human body is perfectly capable of fighting off such acute infections. But in some cases, the immunity is weak and there is predisposition to frequent infections. It has been found that in people with weak immunity and having diseases like allergic sinusitis or asthma, sinusitis becomes chronic.

4. Chronic sinusitis is a condition in which the sinuses remain inflamed for months and years together. This can considerably reduce one’s quality of life. Chronic sinusitis patients complain of difficulty in breathing from the nose, headaches, pain and tenderness in the face, and irritation in the nasal cavity or throat due to toxins in the blood. Yellow-greenish discharges may also be noticed from the nose and from the back of the throat.

5. Chronic sinusitis is not usually due to infection. In most cases, chronic sinusitis is inflammatory in nature and is usually caused by allergic nasal reactions to pollens, pet dander, dust mites, fungus, smoke, irritating fumes and smell etc or other underlying diseases like allergic rhinitis or asthma. It may also be caused by small growths (polyps) in the nose, deviated nasal septum and injury of nasal bones. Allergic sinusitis can also be caused by hay fever and food allergies especially to milk and dairy products. The symptoms of chronic sinusitis resemble those of acute sinusitis but usually last much longer and cause more fatigue.

6. The following are some of the main symptoms of sinusitis, out of which one or more may be present in individual persons:-
• Recurring common colds.
• Blockage of one or both nostrils with mucus secretions.
• Stuffy sensation causing difficulty in breathing and forcing one to keep the mouth open to breathe.
• Heaviness in the forehead and around the eyes is a constant irritant.
• Typical morning headaches on waking up.
• Headache that increases on stooping.
• Pressure and headaches in the areas of head, eyes, ears, face, temples and cheeks – frequently in the morning.

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