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23.  People who have nasal allergies and infections for a long time may develop thick mucous membrane or “polyps” that interfere with proper nasal drainage. It is said that surgical removal of polyps or repair of a deviated “septum” ensures open airways. The surgery should only be considered if naturo-food therapy measures do not bring relief in the first instance.


24.     Preventing the occurrence of sinusitis is not always feasible but the following simple measures do help :-

*        Avoid exposure to cold air, as it may trigger runny nose which can further lead to inflammation of sinuses.

*        Try to have your allergies under control by avoiding exposure to known allergens, especially during change of season and sudden changes of temperature.

*        Avoid exposure to pollutants, chemical smells and smoke. Cigarette smoke is particularly injurious to both active and passive smokers.

*        Reduce stress and have plenty of rest, relaxation and adequate sleep and fresh air.

*        Do vigorous physical body exercises and gentle neck exercises.

*        Above all, drink lots of water/fluids and eat natural foods.

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