Naturo-Food Therapy

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Mostly all form of disease have only one cause; accumulation of excessive alien harmful material (impurities) in the body which it cannot absorb, remove or eliminate. Medicines/drugs many a time interfere with the natural process of removal of accumulated waste materials from the body and fill the internal system with toxins which often cause harmful side-effects.

Unlike modern medical practice, Naturo-Food Therapy concerns itself more with the removal of the causes than with fighting the symptoms of the disease. It concentrates on giving Nature full scope for removal of impurities, stoppage of further accumulation of them, and establishing a homeostasis (balance) between the various physiological processes of the body. Naturo-Food Therapy stems from the unique gift of Nature: that the body can heal itself provided we allow Nature to take its own course without hindering it by the unwise use of medicines/drugs and unhealthy eating.

Basic Tenets of Goindis Naturo-Food Therapy

The Goindis have developed a unique system of Naturo-Food Therapy based on the principles of Natural diet. This Therapy consists of treatment with a Natural vegetarian diet (mono-fruit to start with for a few days) of fruits, vegetables, green salads, nuts/seeds, herbs and simple preparations from germinated whole cereals and grains which are not only tasteful, nutritious and easy to digest but also have medicinal and health -giving properties through making new purified blood. Thus, the nutrient/antioxidant/fiber-rich diets mop-up harmful free radicals (toxins) and strengthen the body’s immune system which:

(a) strengthens the body’s ability to overcome virtually all kinds of existing and undiagnosed diseases,

(b) increases the body’s resistance to infections, and

(c) as a bonus slows down and even reverses the ageing process through the consumption of nucleic acid contained in germinated cereals and grains.

Prohibited Foods/Beverages During Treatment

Fat/oil-rich, fried, refined and processed foods; foods made with hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils (transfats); margarine; sugar, salt and starch (maida): the so called “Three White Poisons”; all non-vegeterian and junk fried foods such as pizzas, burgers, samosas, pakoras; savoury snacks such as bhujia, potato crisps; tinned/ready packed foods and beverages with harmful chemical additives/preservatives such as noodles, soups, juices, colas and all fizzy drinks; cakes, pastries and pies; smoking, chewing tobacco; drugs; alcohol, tea and coffee are strictly prohibited during the course of treatment and advisably afterwards also.

Ailments Cured with Naturo-Food Therapy

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