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List of Diabetic Complications — Ketoacidosis or Coma, High Blood Pressure, Heart Disease and Brain Stroke, Retinopathy (Retina damage, blindness), Neuropathy (Nerve damage), Nephropathy (kidney damage), Fatty Liver Disease, Male and Female Sexual Dysfunction, Repeated Infections, Skin Sport, Skin Redness, Thickened Skin, White Patches, Anaemia, Leg Cramps, Depression etc. etc.


6.       Naturo-Food Therapy stems from the unique gift of Nature – that the human body can cure itself provided we allow Nature to take its own course without hindering it by unhealthy eating and by unwise use of drugs and  medicines which invariably have harmful side-effects. The most simple and basic tenet of Naturo -Food Therapy is to replace gradually the diseased blood  with new healthy blood by consuming health-giving and nutritious plant-based vegetarian diets of seasonal  and regional fruits and raw/steamed vegetables (organic if possible), sprouted wholegrains/seeds, herbs and nuts. The nutrient/antioxidant/fibre-rich natural diets mop up harmful free radicals and strengthen the body’s immune system, which (i) boosts the body’s ability to overcome virtually all kinds of diseases, (ii) increases the body’s resistance to infections and (iii) slows down the ageing process 7        It is a well established fact that diabetes is considered to be a chronic condition with no permanent cure in any system of medicine. For diabetes, control and management, preferably through naturo-food therapy, is the key. Living a long healthy life with diabetes can be a challenge but it is in your own hands to control it. It is generally believed that if the patient’s blood sugar is kept under control for 5 years with diet and without medication, he/she need not take medicines for the rest of the life but should be monitored on a regular basis. Those who take precautions, live longer and have a better lifestyle as long as their blood sugar level is under control. 8        Lifestyle changes, dietary regulation, exercise and regular monitoring can help control or avoid the onset of diabetes. Taking the following precautions can cure, prevent or retard the progress of diabetic complications :-

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