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time helps regulate hormones so they don’t cause skin problems. Naps also help: just 15 minutes may even out hormone levels and improve skin colour.

143.   Thousands of years ago, Chinese women recognised that they could prevent creases appearing on their faces by sleeping on their backs, using concave porcelain pillows. You don’t need to suffer so much to learn not to bury your face in your pillow! You can easily learn to sleep in a different position. If models and actresses can sleep on their backs, face-up to prevent wrinkles, so can you!

144.   Two other pieces of simple advice to help you sleep comfortably without adding wrinkles to your face. Firstly, invest in a silky-smooth, satin pillow case. It’s  luxuriously comfortable, and your skin does not “stick” to satin as it might to cotton, especially if you perspire occasionally. Secondly, use a big, soft, non-synthetic pillow that does not apply added pressure to your facial skin if you tend to toss and turn.

 Avoid Cosmetic Creams, Lotions, Peels and Anti-Wrinkle Jabs

145.   There may be a reason why you keep rushing off for facials, and why the cosmetic industry is worth billions of dollars. It is because you want beautiful, healthy, radiant skin. But you do not really need to spend all that money on cosmetics and procedures. Good health is what makes for good skin. There are some amazing beauty products in the market purporting to make your skin look younger. But Dr. Jyoti Singh believes that “no anti-ageing cream, exfoliating wash, European facial, age-defying make-up etc is more powerful than the lifestyle and healthy eating steps every person can take to keep the skin looking smooth and healthy.” The back-to-basics movement in the West has been fuelled by dermatologists who have reached the conclusion that there is no scientific evidence to suggest that expensive cosmetics work.

146.   Be happy with the colour of your skin. All the creams and “skin treatments” in the world cannot bring about any appreciable change in it. This is the conclusion reached by PGI (Chandigarh) dermatologists after years of exhaustive research. The fact is, if one goes in for skin pigmentation or peeling, then chances are that

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