Rheumatoid Arthritis

- 10. Roll your shoulders round in circular movements, first forwards and then backwards.
- 11. Bend your arms and raise your elbow sideways, then move them up and down several times.
- 12. Place your hands at the back of the head or on the neck, bring your elbows forward and then stretch them backwards as far as possible.
- 13. Hold on to the back of a chair or a high table. Swing your left leg forwards and backwards, and repeat with the other leg.
- 1. When driving a car, pull the seat forward and bend your knees. Ensure that the knees are higher than the hips. Sit up straight and place your hands high up on the steering wheel.
- 2. Make sure that your bed has a good firm mattress.
- 3. Walking is an excellent exercise, but make sure that your body is evenly balanced when walking.
- 4. When sitting at rest, it is beneficial to position one foot higher than the other.
- 5. When bending, always bend at the knees. The chest should come down, and the underarms will often touch the knees.
- 6. When lifting, make sure that your back remains straight and always lift by bending at the knees, keeping the knees together. Never lift more weight than you can comfortably manage.
- 7. It is best to carry the same weight in each hand when shopping or traveling.
- 8. If there is an exaggerated hollow in the back, seek out a sturdy door. Stand up straight with your back against the door, ensuring that your heels, calves, back, shoulders and head are all in touch with the door. Then slide down, keeping your back against the door, and then slide up again back to the starting position. Repeat this up and down movement several times.
- 9. When sitting in a wheelchair it is important that the seat of the chair is positioned as low as possible, and that both feet are supported by the foot rest. The knees should be higher than the hips while making sure that the body is supported by the back of the chair.
- 10. Like orders of the Army Sergeant Major, stand up straight, chest out, shoulders back and walk with head held high.
- 11. If your fingers are affected, reduce the force and duration of fine manual or pinching grip activities — use flowing felt-tip pen instead of ball point.
“Hara” Technique Breathing
Lie flat on the floor and relax completely. Initially this may require a little practice, but persevere nevertheless. Close your eyes and tell every part of your body, from top to toe, to relax totally, until it feels as if your body is sinking deeper and deeper into the floor. Then place your left hand about half an inch beneath your naval and place your right hand over it. At that point, a magnetic ring on the vital centre of your being — “Hara” — will have been formed. It is at this centre that the vegetative nervous system is located. The Chinese believe that the navel is the gate to all happiness and certainly, by placing your hands in the position mentioned, you will feel completely relaxed. Next, breathe in slowly through the nose, filling your stomach with air and keeping your ribcage still. This sounds easier than it is, and it may well take a little time to master it properly.
Concentrate the mind on the stomach and breathe in slowly. Once the stomach is filled with air, round the lips and slowly breathe out, pulling the stomach flat. This can be done as often as you wish. Normally, the sensation after finishing this exercise is either one of complete relaxation and the desire for a nice sleep, or of refreshment and the desire to return to work. I must stress that it should be performed naturally as a baby might do it. Sometimes it helps to imagine yourself walking in a beautiful garden where you discover the wonderful scent of roses, which you inhale slowly.