Rheumatoid Arthritis

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Home Remedies for Arthritis

34.     The following tried and tested home remedies in consultation with your naturo-food therapist will be of benefit for arthritic conditions:

(i)      Green gram (moong) soup  —  Green gram soup mixed with crushed garlic cloves and a teaspoon of powdered fenugreek (methi) seeds in warm water taken every day can be helpful in relieving pain in the joints.

(ii)      Fenugreek seeds  —  Make a fine powder of a tablespoonfull of fenugreek seeds and take it with warm water in the morning for pain relief.

(iii)     Apple cider vinegar and honey  —  At night two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and one teaspoon of honey in hot water can help you get relief from frequently occuring pain in the mornings.

(iv)     Pineapple juice  —  The enzyme “bromelain” in fresh pineapple juice reduces swelling and inflammation of the joints and tissues.

(v)     Turmeric and black pepper  —  Take ½ teaspoon of freshly powdered turmeric and some freshly ground black peppers with warm water twice a day for 40 days.

(vi)     Lemon juice and Honey  —  Take two teaspoons of fresh lemon or lime juice and a teaspoon of honey mixed in a glass of warm water twice daily.

(vii)    Triphla  —  In case of constipation, 10 gms of triphla in warm water daily at bed time may be continued till relief is achieved.  It not only helps ease bowels but also detoxifies the system  and acts as a tonic for the colon.

(viii)   Sesame seeds  —  Soak a tablespoonful of black sesame seeds in a glass of warm water overnight.  Take this water along with seeds in the morning.

(ix)     Alfalfa tea  —  Six or seven cups of alfalfa tea should be taken daily for at least two weeks.  The tea from alfalfa seeds preferably sprouted is prepared by cooking them in an enamel pan with the lid on for half an hour.  After cooking, it should be strained, squeesing or pressing seeds dry.  It should be allowed to cool and after adding some honey to taste put it in the refrigerator.  Cold or hot water should be added before use as required.

(x)     Water in a copper vessel  —  Drinking water kept  in a copper vessel overnight helps strengthen the muscular system.  For the same reason, wearing a copper ring, bangle or bracelet will also help.


35.     Arthritic people should realise how important it is that their body parts and joints are regularly exercised, even though this may be a painful process at times.  Lack of movement of the joints causes the condition to deteriorate.  Do gentle/unfatiguing and low impact moderate physical exercises i.e. walking, hiking, cycling, swimming etc and flexibility exercises i.e. stretches for your neck, shoulders, arms, wrists, hands, back, hips, knees and feet (see Annex) with advice from your Therapist.  The only time a joint should not be exercised is when it is inflamed or hot (swollen red, tender to the touch).  It is important to coordinate your breathing with exercises.  Exercises should be done on a regular basis, making them part of your daily life.  Little and often is better than occasional more strenuous exercises.  Rest and relaxation is of greatest importance to arthritics, who should not overdo their work, exercise or recreational activities.  Exercise is important, but it is only half of the activity equation.  The other half is rest!  Correct body posture while sitting, standing or walking is very important and this should be maintained at all times (see Annex).  The Yogic asanas trikonasana, bhujangasana, shalabhasana, naukasana, vakrasana, shavasana can be practiced regularly.  Yogic kriyas like jalneti and kapalbhati, and pranayamas such as anulomaviloma, ujjai and bhrameri are also beneficial.

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