Rheumatoid Arthritis

xiii) Water — Rightly termed as nectar or fountain or exilir of life, water is an essential compound for your diet along with micronutrient vitamins and minerals. About two thirds of your body weight is water (50-65% in males and 45-60% in females). Your body’s transport system for supplying nutrients around the body is blood which is about 90% water and your brain is about 80% water. Water plays an essential role in the vital metabolic processes of the body such as energy production, muscle building, fat burning, regulation, digestion, circulation, assimilation and elimination. Water lubricates joints too. Therefore, we must endeavour to keep our water supply adequate and as pure and clean (preferably distilled water) as possible. So, soothing your fiery joints could be as easy as drinking 2-2½ litres of water (more if you are overweight, exercise and in hot weather) daily at regular intervals in between small meals/snacks.
Harmful Foods to be Avoided
30. Remove totally all the following inflammatory components of diet during treatment and preferably afterwards also: non-vegetarian food; all refined and processed junk foods like pizzas, burgers, samosas, pakoras, cakes, pastries, biscuits, ice creams; tinned/ready packed meals and beverages like noodles, soups, fruit juices; savoury snacks like bhujia, crisps; fizzy cold drinks, colas and chilled items; most fats and vegetable oils (preferably all till the disease symptoms subside); hydrogenated oils/transfats; products containing the so called three white poisons i.e. sugar, salt and starch (maida); smoking and chewing tobacco; taking drugs, alcohol, coffee, black tea, cocoa.
31. Always be wary of commercially produced foods that invariably contain a cocktail of harmful chemical additives, preservatives, colourings, flavour enhancers which are added to enhance the taste and prolong shelf life. Avoid all spicy, smoked, pickled, oily and fried foods.
32. Foods of “night shade family” i.e. tomatoes, eggplant (baingan), potatoes, tobacco, peppers and their products should be strictly avoided by those truly allergic and sensitive to this food group.
33. Other foods that should be avoided include; citrus fruits; full cream dairy products like milk, butter, cream (goat’s milk products may be suitable in some cases); meat, poultry; eggs; beef; pork; sausages, bacon; gammon; wheat and white bread; polished rice, red kidney beans (rajmanh); Bengal gram (kala chana); black gram (urad); vinegar; paprika; cayenne pepper.