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Hunger: Hunger is the body’s physical response to the need for food for energy. Hunger is a feeling you are born with.

Hydrogenation: It is a process by which liquid vegetable oil with the aid of hydrogen is turned into solid fat – called Trans Fat and Trans Fatty Acid (TFA).

Immune System: A collection of body cell substances and structures that work to protect the body from disease causing organisms and from the development of cancer.

Immunity: A state of resistance to diseases through the defence activities of the immune system.

Glycogen: Main carbohydrate reserve stored in the liver and muscle of the body which is easily converted into glucose for energy when needed.

Insulin: The hormone produced by the pancreas to help transport glucose from the blood stream to sites of utilisation in the body and to control blood sugar levels.

Insulin Resitance: See Syndrome X.

Lipids: This is the name for all the water soluble fatty substances, including good and bad cholesterol and triglycerides present in the blood. These are stored in the body and used for energy.

Lipoproteins: A family of lipid-carrying water soluble proteins that are responsible for the transport of cholesterol and triglycerides through the blood circulation.

Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL): Also referred to as “bad cholesterol” which carries cholesterol and other fats from the digestive system through the blood / liver to the body’s cells for cell processes.

Lymph: A transparent, slightly yellowish fluid which plays an important part in the immune system and in the absorption of fats from the intestine.

Metabolism: It is the process of transforming food stuffs into tissue elements and into energy for use in the growth, repair and general function of the body.

Mineral: A metallic inorganic substance found in nature. Many minerals are essential for human and animal nutrition.

Monounsaturated Fat: This, also called Monounsaturated Fatty Acid (MUFA) is largely found in certain vegetable oils like olive, mustard and nuts like almonds.

Morbid Obesity: This a disease where the weight of the body is higher by more than 20% as compared to the ideal or desirable weight. Also a body mass index (BMI) of over 40 indicates morbid obesity.

Nutrients: Any food material used by the body that provides essential nourishment to sustain life and health e.g. carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals.

Obesity: An excessive accumulation of fat in the body resulting in an increase in body weight more than 10% over the maximum desirable weight for one’s height.

Omega-3 Fatty Acid: This, also called Essential Fatty Acid (EFA), is a particular protective type of polyunsaturated fat which prevents blood clotting and helps reduce harmful triglyceride levels.

Oxidation: A chemical reaction that occurs when oxygen is added and results in a chemical transformation.

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