Cancer Fighting Foods

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Simple Carbohydrates: These, like refined starches and sugar are digested quickly resulting in sharp rise of blood sugar levels. Also called high glycemic index foods.

Sorbitol: A sweet-tasting crystalline alcohol found in some fruits and used in the industry as a food additive such as in sugar substitute for diabetes.

Spasm: A sudden involuntary contraction of the muscles occuring in an exaggerated form.

Sprouts: These are essential young living plants germinated from wholegrains and seeds. They rank as the freshest and most nutritious of all vegetables. Sprouted food acquires vastly improved digestibility and nutritional qualities when compared to non-sprouted embryo from which it derives.

Steroid: One of a group of fat-soluble organic compounds including many hormones, alkaloids and vitamins.

Syndrome: A combination of several signs and/or symptoms occuring together that form a distinct clinical picture of a particular disorder or disease.

Syndrome X: Also linked to Insulin Resistance, it is a term to describe a cluster of symptoms, including high blood pressure, high triglycerides, high cholesterol and obesity which appear together in some individuals and indicates a pre-disposition to diabetes and heart disease. The main indicator of Syndrom X is a large potbelly.

Synergy: Literally “working together”, the interaction or cooperation of two or more agents, drugs, organisations etc. to produce a new or enhanced effect compared to their separate effects.

Testosterone: A steroid hormone that stimulates development of male secondary sexual characteristics and bone and muscle growth. It is produced mainly in the testes and in small amounts by the ovaries.

Thermogenesis: This is food-induced heat production by burning calories in the process of eating, digesting, absorbing and assimilating food in the body.

Toxins: Any of a group of poisonous substances produced by living organisms, or plants or animal origin, especially those formed in the body and stimulating the production of antibodies.

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