Cancer Fighting Foods

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Fibre: Dietary fibre, also called roughage is made up of indigestible parts of whole plant foods which pass almost unchanged through the stomach and intestines. Soluble fibre helps get rid of extra cholesterol and insoluble fibre relieves constipation and diarrhoea.

Flavonoids: See Bioflavonoids.

Free Radicals: Highly reactive family of molecules which cause random damage to structural proteins, enzymes, macromolecules and DNA. These play major role in inflammation (even cancer) and hyper-oxidation. They often form when the fats and oils are heated, or when exposed to environmental radiation and chemical pollution.

Gene: A basic functional unit of heredity normally comprised of a stretch of DNA or RNA that determines a particular characteristic of an individual.

Glucagon: A hormone produced by the pancreas that stimulates the breakdown of glycogen (main carbohydrate reserve in the liver and muscles) to glucose and its release into the blood stream.

Glucose: The form of sugar which the body uses to make energy; is manufactured by the body from carbohydrates and can be stored as glycogen in the liver and muscles.

Gluten: The insoluble sticky protein found in grains like wheat.

Glycemic Index (GI): This ranks foods based on the effect they have on blood sugar level. Foods, such as complex carbohydrates (wholegrains etc.), that raise the blood sugar level slowly have low GI value while those, such as simple carbohydrates (starch, sugars etc.) have high GI value and raise blood sugar levels quickly.

Glycogen: Main carbohydrate reserve stored in the liver and muscles of the body which is easily converted into glucose for energy when needed.

Haemoglobin: An iron containing pigment in the red blood cells which carries oxygen from the lungs to the body tissues.

High Density Lipoprotein (HDL): Also referred to as “good cholesterol” which removes cholesterol from the circulation in the blood by returning the extra cholesterol that is not needed by the body back to the liver.

HIV: Human Immunodeficiency Virus.

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