Cancer Fighting Foods

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Monounsaturated Fat: This, also called Monounsaturated Fatty Acid (MUFA) is largely found in certain vegetable oils like olive, mustard and nuts like almonds.

Morbid Obesity: This is a disease where the weight of the body is higher by more than 20% as compared to the ideal or desirable weight. Also a body mass index (BMI) of over 40 indicates morbid obesity.

Mutation: An alteration (change) in the chemical structure of DNA which when transmitted to offspring, gives rise to heritable variations. Mutations can be silent i.e. the change might not affect any function of the organism or can result in a change in the function or structure of an organism.

Nervous System: The extensive intricate network of structures that activates, coordinates and controls the functions of the body. It consists of central nervous system comprising the brain, spinal chord and the peripheral nervous system.

Neurone: Nerve Cell, the basic unit of the nervous system, which transmits nerve impulses. N.K. Cells: Natural Killer Cells.

Noradrenalin: A hormone secreted in stressful situations by the adrenal medulla and by sympathetic nerve endings as a neurotransmitter.

NSAID: Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug.

Nutrients: Any food material used by the body that provides essential nourishment to sustain life and health e.g. carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, water.

Obesity: An excessive accumulation of fat in the body resulting in an increase in body weight of more than 10% over the maximum desirable weight for one’s height.

Oestrogen: Any of various steroid hormones developing and maintaining  female characteristics of the body.

Omega-3 Fatty Acid: This, also called Essential Fatty Acid (EFA), is a particular protective type of polyunsaturated fat which prevents blood clotting and helps reduce harmful triglyceride levels.

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