Blood Pressure

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(The Silent Killer)

Causes, Complications and Cure with Naturo-Food Therapy 


1.       Abnormally high Blood Pressure (BP) or Hypertension – to give it the correct medical term – is the most world-wide common lifestyle non-infective chronic disease of the modern age. It is regarded as the silent killer because one can have it for years without being aware of it. Hypertension is asymptomatic and does not have specific clinical manifestations until target organ damage occurs. Therefore it goes unnoticed for a prolonged period of many years. Hypertension works quietly in an offensive and unpleasant manner while the patient is blissfully oblivious. Occasionally, the disease is recognized once the complications are noticed and sometimes that may be too late!

2.       The fast pace of life and the mental and physical pressures caused by the industrial and metropolitan/urban environments coupled with wrong lifestyle and eating habits and lack of exercise give rise to psychological and physiological tensions. Worry and mental tension increase adrenaline in the blood stream and this, in turn, causes the pressure of the blood to rise.

3.       What needs to be stressed is that hypertensive person appears perfectly normal without any symptoms, physically and emotionally and remains socially active. Though being hypertensive might not give any immediate health problems, over a period of time, it could silently lead to cardiac attack, progressive renal failure or even affect the lower limb arteries.

How to Throw Blood Pressure System Out-of-Gear

4.       Blood pressure is an ingenious system devised by nature, one that is easy to throw out of whack. Firstly, gorge on salty food and your body will retain more water in order to dilute the excess sodium, increasing overall blood volume. Secondly, lard your butt or belly with extra fat, and your heart will have no choice but to work harder to force blood into new tissue. Thirdly, clog your arteries by eating fatty foods and lazing around, and your heart will pound away to push blood through narrow pipes. Fourthly, consume yourself with stress and worry, and your brain will kick heart and arteries into a perpetual “fight or flight” mode characterised by increased cardiac input. In each case, the net effect is the same: chronically increased B.P.

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