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cream and a teaspoon of China clay. Apply the mixture to a clean face and leave for 15 minutes. Wash off with cold water for healthy-looking skin.

125.   Bananas – Fresh, ripe bananas make excellent face masks. Bananas not only tighten and cleanse pores, they also revitalise dry skin. Mash two ripe bananas with a tablespoon of honey. Smooth over the face and leave for 10-15 minutes, Rinse with cold water to reveal soft, supple and hydrated skin.

126.   OrangesThe citrus family is best known for its astringent and toning properties. Rub fresh orange peel on your skin to tighten it and lighten the colour. Take the juice of two oranges and freeze it in an ice tray. Rub your face with the frozen orange juice cubes whenever you need to look good after a tiring day. The orange juice will give your tired, dull and oily face an instant pick-me-up sheen.

127.   Pomegranates – Pomegranates are excellent for oily and combination skin. Rich in AHA, pomegranate juice acts as an astringent and is a natural toner too. Pound pomegranate seeds and use as a face scrub. This will remove excess oil and make your skin look fresh. Using cottonwool, massage around 50 ml pomegranate juice on your face for 10 minutes. Wash off for an instant glow.


How Ageing and Wrinkles Occur?

128.   As we get older, our body processes slow down. This affects the ability of the cells to produce new cells and also causes a drop in cellular energy preventing them from repairing existing damage effectively. The resultant damage becomes cumulative and results in visible signs of ageing such as crows feet, loss of skin tone, fine lines and wrinkles, chicken necks and bat wing arms, to name but a few. Add to this the damage caused by excessive sunlight, wrong diet, harmful effects of beauty products, dehydration, sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise, inadequate rest and sleep – you have a cocktail of causative factors for premature ageing of the facial and other body skin.

129.   Irregularity in daily chores and following a disorderly lifestyle can put our health in jeopardy. Overwork, lack of rest and improper sleep pattern has a telling effect on our skin. One should adopt a balanced exercise schedule, including yoga and meditation, in one’s daily plan. Get adequate sunlight as some gentle sun is nourishing to the skin. Ayurveda is known to believe that apart from a wholesome and balanced diet, adherence to a proper daily and seasonal routine and a

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