Rheumatoid Arthritis

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(i)      Enema  —  To treat arthritis, the first step is to detoxify the colon to restore its proper function.  Therefore, the patient should be given a luke-warm water enema for a few days to start with to cleanse the bowels.

(ii)      Raw Vegetable Juice Fasting  —  This is considered to be the fastest method for getting good results with rheumatoid as well as osteo-arthritis.  The fasting period will depend on the patient and the condition of the disease and may range from 7-21 days or longer.  Green juice extracted from any green leafy vegetable mixed with carrot, celery or red beetroot juice is quite effective for arthritis.  Watercress and parsley juice is also beneficial.  The alkaline action of raw vegetable juices dissolves and eliminates the accumulation of toxins around the joints and other tissues.  Herbal teas like basil (Tulsi), mint and alfalfa sprouts without milk and sugar can be taken inbetween juice drinks.

(iii)     Raw Non-Citrus Vegetarian Diet  —  This initial diet for 2-4 weeks or longer may follow the fasting period.  The bulk of the diet should be raw or slightly steamed green leafy and other suitable vegetables and one light meal a day of, say, khichri made with brown rice and whole sprouted moong or dalia made from sprouted wheat with no animal protein whatsoever.  All stimulants such as alcohol, coffee, tea, cocoa, nicotin, salt, sugar/sweets are strictly forbidden during this diet.  Herbal teas without milk and sugar and potassium broth (see Annex) can be taken as desired.

(iv)     Regular Diet  —  Diet must be considered as the most important component of treatment as arthritic conditions often thrive on over-acidic environment in the body.  Diet should be low on fat and  proteins, protein from whole legumes, lentils, beans and peas is much better than from meat.  Plant-based foods including most non-citrus suitable fruits, most green leafy and other suitable vegetables conservatively cooked; sprouted wholegrains, legumes and cereals; nuts and seeds; herbs and carminative spices should form 80% or more of the diet.  The  other 20% or less should be from suitable fats/oils like olive or canola oil; dairy products like skimmed milk, yoghurt or whey; and sparingly non-vegetarian food like oily fish, chicken or eggs.  Diet must be nutritious, agreeable to the patient, moderate (never to fill the stomach to the brim), in small easily digestible quantities at regular intervals of 2-2½ hours throughout the day.  Adequate amount of water should be taken regularly inbetween the meals.

(v)     Benefits of Raw Food  —  Foods should be eaten raw in their natural state as far as possible or at least lightly steamed, sauted or stir-fried.  There is a school of thought that the heat in the lightly steamed vegetables breaks the vegetable cell walls, allowing the body to absorb more of the nutrients that would otherwise be lost through your system undigested.  Microwaving, overcooking and boiling will destroy a large quantity of micronutrients.  Raw foods retain their vital “life-force” (minerals, vitamins, enzymes, phytochemicals) which help repair the wear and tear in our bodies and neutralises free-radicals damage.  Therefore 50-60% of our daily diet should be raw foods, i.e. fruits, vegetables, salads, nuts, seeds, herbs and sprouted wholegrains.

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