Rheumatoid Arthritis

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6.       Rheumatoid arthritis is usually insidious i.e. it progresses inconspicuously and harmfully over a period of time with persistent pain and stiffness in one or more joints.  Ultimately the whole body is affected.  Sometimes symptoms appear suddenly.  Symmetrical joint involvement is common and the disease may migrate from joint to joint.  The course of rheumatoid arthritis and its symptoms varies from person to person.  It may come and go and return again but at some point the symptoms may become permanent.  In the early stage of the disease, the whole body is usually affected and one or two joints may become completely deformed.

7.       Dry skin and arthritis are just two sides of the same coin.  Many arthritic victims have dry, flaky skin, and many people with dry skin eventually go on to develop arthritis.  When your body is dry, it is dry all over — whether it is the skin, the joints or anywhere else.  To correct dry skin you have to get your body to produce its own moisture — from inside by eating nutritious diet, doing regular exercise, having rest and adequate sleep, and of course drinking lots of water.

8.       While characteristically the pain of rheumatoid arthritis normally tends to be worst in the early morning, the pain of osteoarthritis normally gets worse as the day progresses.  In osteoarthritis, usually there is some pain but little or no swelling.  Both rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, typically have flare-ups interrupted by periods of remission that brings spontaneous relief from pain.


9.       The  exact cause of rheumatoid arthritis is said to be unknown, but it is considered that it has its origin in malnutrition.  Wrong and irregular ways of eating; faulty selection of eatables and drinks; wrong cooking methods like excessive frying; excessive use of oil/fat, transfats, salt, sugar and refined foods; a very rich diet; overeating; lack of activity/exercise and rest/sleep; stressful and sedentary lifestyle; and most importantly ignorance of NATURE, are some of the potent contributors to the package of lifestyle diseases including rheumatoid arthritis.  Nutritional deficiencies, particularly of antioxidant vitamins A,C and E and trace minerals such as selenium and copper in the body can initiate the disease.  Arthritic persons tend to be overloaded with harmful free radicals and have low immunity.  People having deranged digestive system for months and years are easy prey to arthritis.

10.   Poor digestion, poor elimination, constipation, inadequate assimilation, hyper or hypo-acidity and sluggish bowels are  other causative factors.  Constipation should be avoided at all costs as it is one of the foremost enemies of people suffering from degenerative diseases like rheumatoid arthritis.  It poisons the digestive system and aggravates the irritation and inflammation of the joints.  Many diseases originate from a poor bowel function.  Waste that remains in the bowels tends to ferment and so causes toxicity.  Remember, “What is imported into the body should be exported within 24 hours”.

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