Reproductive System

What is Male Reproductive System?
11.5 A mass of coils and tubes makes up the internal genitals of a full-grown male.
11.6 Testes – The male reproductive organs, which are concerned with the formation of the male gametes or cells are the two egg-shaped glandular testes. The testes are suspended in thin pouches of skin and connective tissue, and located outside the main body cavity behind the penis. These testes exist at a temperature lower than that of the rest of the body, which is favourable for sperm production. In more than three quarters of men the right one is above the left. The testes are very sensitive and even slight pressure can cause considerable pain. If a man jumps into a cold pool of water, his testes will draw themselves up towards the crotch. Conversely, if he walks from the cold into a sauna, they lower themselves.
11.7 Epididymis – The epididymis is a storage tank consisting of 6 metre of coiled tube. It is in this storage tank that the maturation of sperms is completed. The epididymis lies alongside the testes in the scrotal sac. It stores the sperms, filters them and makes them mobile by the time they reach its posterior part. The epididymis serves as a passage for the transport of sperms. This is an important part of the male reproductive system since here the sperms are made mobile to travel around the system and finally take part in fertilisation.
11.8 Vas Deferens and Seminal Vesicles – After coming out of the testis, the epididymis becomes straight, increases in diameter and becomes a muscular tube, called the sperm duct or vas deferens. Some short tubes called seminal vesicles open into the vas deferens, enter into the abdominal cavity through a wider tube, and merge with the duct leading from the seminal vesicle gland. The seminal vesicles are tightly coiled short tubes that also store sperms. They produce fluid sugars for nourishing the sperms. The prostate gland, which surrounds part of the urethra also contributes acids, trace elements and enzymes to the sperms to form a thick milky fluid known as semen. The penis is the external male genital organ. It is a common passage for both urine and semen.