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Preventing Osteoporosis with Naturo-Food Therapy 

10.     Thankfully osteoporosis is largely preventable by appropriate nutrition, exercise and a healthy lifestyle from a young age. A diet rich in calcium and vitamin D and moderate in proteins is essential for healthy bones. Naturo-Food Therapy stems from the unique gift of Nature – that the human body can cure itself provided we allow Nature to take its own course without hindering it by unhealthy eating and by unwise use of drugs and  medicines which invariably have harmful side-effects. The most simple and basic tenet of Naturo -Food Therapy is to replace gradually the diseased blood  with new healthy blood by consuming health-giving and nutritious plant-based vegetarian diets of seasonal  and regional fruits and raw/steamed vegetables (organic if possible) sprouted wholegrains/seeds, herbs and nuts. The nutrient/antioxidant/fibre-rich natural diets mop up harmful free radicals and strengthen the body’s immune system, which (i) boosts the body’s ability to overcome virtually all kinds of diseases, (ii) increases the body’s resistance to infections and (iii) slows down the ageing process.

11.     Dietary Calcium — Mainly from milk and its products (at least 1200-1500 mg daily for adults) is necessary to maintain the level of this mineral in bones. Calcium is also needed for the heart, muscles and nerves to function properly. Strong muscles  are especially important to balance, helping to prevent falls and aid everyday functioning as we age. Whenever the body circulation needs calcium, the bones, in the absence of dietary calcium, are the resource and this leads to osteoporosis.

12.     The  emphasis on calcium to build strong bones sometimes obscures the importance of another essential ingredients for bone health and osteoporosis prevention  — Vit D.  Vitamin D promotes the absorption of dietary calcium. When the old bone tissue is disposed through the kidneys, Vit D also helps to reabsorb it. Fresh sunlight early in the morning is richer in ultra violet rays that is most effective in metabolising Vit D from provitamin contained in the skin fat. Sunlight is the main normal and natural source of Vit D. Other sources of Vit D are oily fish and fortified foods like fortified  breakfast cereals, egg yolk, milk products, sweet potatoes, alfalfa, oats, soya products, almonds, vegetable oils.

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