
255. Change your mindset – Think more about selecting foods that will help your body’s health and worry less about foods that will affect your body’s weight. Many people become more successful at long term weight loss when their motive changes from “wanting to be thinner” to “wanting to be healthier”
256. Get motivated: –
(i) Think about why you want to lose weight and how good it will be for your health and well-being.
(ii) Know your ideal or normal healthy weight and write down your attainable weight loss and healthy eating goals and make a commitment to yourself as you are only accountable to yourself for achieving these goals.
(iii) Set goals that focus on small, cumulative changes in your activities and diet that will lead to long term health changes.
(iv) Your goals should be specific, within your reach and flexible enough to break once in a while.
(v) Start writing down everything you eat or drink in a daily diary. Once you become more aware of your eating pattern and what triggers food cravings only then you can start to deal with them.
(vi) Initial weight loss should not be a therapeutic goal. A bigger challenge is to find an effective way to sustain this weight loss.
(vii) Instead of focusing purely on weight loss programmes which are rarely successful over the long term a better way is to change your focus to improving your health.
(viii) Tell yourself that you are not on a diet. From now on you are simply eating healthy to create a new and exciting you! Commit yourself to your well-being.
257. Find out what is eating you – All too often overeating is triggered by stress, boredom, loneliness, anger, depression and other emotions. Learning to deal with emotions without food i.e. by meditation, yoga, music etc. is a significant skill that will greatly help long term weight loss.