
228. You are what you eat – Mahatma Gandhi even believed that your thought processes are also influenced by what you eat. The most healthy way to eat right is to eat intelligently – meaning what one eats and avoids is as important as the way it is cooked and the quantity consumed. We must aim to eat a well balanced, suitable, light diet that is high in nutrients and is easily digestible. A healthy diet depends on the right balance of macronutrients i.e. protein, carbohydrates and fat / oils. Foods prepared from wholegrains, brown unpolished rice, sprouts, fruits, vegetables, salads, nuts, seeds and herbs are rich in vitamins, minerals and are loaded with live enzymes, the key to nutrient absorption and vibrant health. Moderate amounts of low fat or skimmed milk, yoghurt, eggs, oily fish and chicken can form part of a healthy diet in suitable cases. Avoid red meat such as pork, mutton and lamb.
229. Try to consume organic foods – Today, we have much more work and greater stress and we are surrounded by a much harsher environment characterised by polluted air, water, soil and subsequently contaminated food. So we need to eat much more conscientiously than prehistoric man / woman did in order to survive. We need to return to Nature and to those foods that are grown organically, and eat them in sync with our daily and seasonal circadian rhythms.
230. Avoid junk foods – Consuming wrong and faulty junk fast foods is a primary cause of obesity. So keep away from these high energy, fat rich, low nutrient, low fibre, low grade junk foods prepared with refined and processed ingredients such as sugar, salt, trans fats, starch. Junk foods containing an array of harmful chemical additives include, pizzas, burgers, noodles, French fries, chhole bhature, purees, tikkies, namkeen bhujia, potato crisps, samosas, pakoras, papri chat, ice creams, cakes, pastries, biscuits, sweets, confectionery, chocolates etc. Also say no to aerated beverages and colas laden with sugar and chemical additives and preservatives. Instead drink fresh lemon water, lassi and fruit / vegetable juices.
231. Go slow on fats and oils – But do not completely ignore them as they create a feeling of fullness and you need some fats for your brain, nerves and body to work. Avoid excessive consumption of saturated fats especially from animal sources. Go for plant-based polyunsaturated and more of monounsaturated and Omega-3 fats. Totally avoid hydrogenated oils and foods prepared with them as they create harmful free radicals which clog the arteries. Omega-3 fatty acids tend to reduce weight and help maintain weight loss. As such they should really be renamed as Omega-3 thinny acids!