
223. Balance calories input and output – Your calorie output should not be less than your input, otherwise surplus food intake will be converted into fat leading to weight gain.
224. Know your calorie intake – Calorie intake for weight maintenance should be about 30 calories per kg. of body weight. For example a person with a body weight of 60 kg. will need an intake of 60 x 30 i.e. 1800 calories a day. Persons with muscular bodies may need more calories.
225. Know your foods and the calories they contain – For example, 1 cup of full fat milk has 170 calories as compared to only 70 calories in skimmed milk. One egg or 40 grams meat has 70 calories. One portion of pulses provides 100 calories, one chapatti or one slice of bread 70 calories and one serving of rice 220 calories. 100 grams of leafy vegetables 40 calories, one average serving of less sweet fruits provide 40 calories but a banana 100 calories. Vegetable (samosa) has 260 calories, meat samosa 320 calories and chicken korma 870 calories. A caloric chart for basic foods forms part of Appendix II.
226. Achieve balance with healthy diet – To achieve balance within ourselves; we must balance our diet as well. This means eating the right foods, in the right proportions, at the right times of the day. If you do this, you will be able to synthesize, transmit and receive high fidelity messages in the hormonal internet between your brain and body – throughout your entire life. This is a state of hormonal balance that can only be achieved by the food you eat, the water you drink, the stress you reduce and the restorative sleep you get in the dark cycle of each night.
227. Go for a variety of healthy low calorie foods – We should eat a large variety of whole foods (fruits, vegetables, wholegrains, sprouts, nuts, seeds, herbs, digestive spices) daily to ensure that we have covered all of the nutritional bases. Their treasure chest of organic vitamins, minerals, macronutrients (fat, protein, and carbohydrates), fibre, water, antioxidants will maintain a healthy weight; strengthen muscles, bones, blood vessels, connective tissues, blood stream, organs and glands. These special live natural foods give our body ultimate protection, through strengthened immune system, from viruses, bacteria, fungi, invasive yeast, intruding environmental and agricultural toxins, petrochemicals and a host of ever present carcinogens.