
219. Remember, “You are what you eat”. Apart from genetic factors, you were born a healthy person. It is said that “all ailments enter through the mouth”, meaning your wrong and faulty diet is a big promoter of ailments. Reducing obesity and keeping it under control by following and observing the basic rules for good health will lead to a better lifestyle as well as longer fulfilling life health-wise. Good health is more than the absence of disease. The concept of good health requires a balance of five components; physical health, social health, mental health, emotional health and spiritual health.
220. The three parts of a successful weight loss programme are: (i) a proper diet; (ii) behavioural (lifestyle) changes; and (iii) physical activity (exercise). While, it is true that health is a complex interplay of genetics and lifestyle but it has been established that diet plays a dominant role in any weight management or reduction programme.
221, Nutritionists emphasise that there is no “best” or “ideal” diet and no “good” or “bad” foods. Variety, moderation and balance are the keys to healthy eating. Also it is worth bearing in mind that food is more than the nutrition it provides. It is also a part of the way we enjoy and celebrate life. The following diet guidelines have been prepared accordingly.
Diet Guidelines
222. WHO guidelines for healthy diet – A group of 30 international experts commissioned by the WHO has recommended broad guidelines on what constitutes a healthy diet: –
Carbohydrates should provide the bulk of energy between 55 to 75% of daily intake.
- Limit fats and oils to between 15 and 30% of total daily energy intake wherein saturated variety should be less than 10%.
- Protein intake daily should be between 10 to 15% of total calories.
- Intake of fruits and vegetables should be more than 400 gms every day.
- Energy from free sugars should remain well below 10%.
- Salt intake should be less than 5 gms. a day and should preferably be iodised.