
Hippocratic Doctrine
211. The father of modern medicine, Hippocrates (460-357 BC) of Greece, very appropriately pronounced the golden doctrine; “Let Food be Thy Medicine and Medicine be Thy Food”. The former part of the doctrine is for the sick and the latter for the healthy. For the sick, appropriate natural foods act as the true natural drugs. For the healthy, natural foods are the means to lead a disease-free life. Hippocrates fully believed that natural foods have unlimited medicinal properties to sustain health and to restore it when sick.
212. To this day, doctors all over the world take the Hippocratic Oath after qualifying. However, over the ages, his far-sighted golden doctrine for healthy living has lost ground to the commercial interests of pharmaceutical / drug companies whose medicines liberally promoted and prescribed by the doctors may alleviate the symptoms of the disease, but invariably fail to remove the causes. Moreover, it is acknowledged by the medical profession and the drug companies alike that allopathic medicines often have harmful side-effects.
213. There is hardly a health problem or natural metabolic process of the body that is not influenced in some way or the other by the foods we eat. There has been an increase in the variety and frequency of diseases in proportion to the process of degeneration of food stuffs through refining and processing and increase in prescription drugs. Research has proved that natural foods like wholegrains, nuts and seeds, fruits, vegetables, herbs etc. possess the properties of curing almost every disease as envisaged by Hyppocrates 2,500 years ago.
Inner Healing Force
214. Too many of us do not have the slightest idea of how to maintain good health by following the laws of Nature. When illness strikes, we rely more on our doctors to cure us. What we fail to realise is that “the cure” comes from within. Nature has provided us with a wondrous immune system, and all we have to do is take proper care of this God-given “inner healing force” by consuming health giving foods and beverages.