
Stevia – the Wonder Substitute for Sugar
199. Many people, particularly diabetic, use artificial sweeteners to reduce their intake of sugar but most of these, such as saccharin, nutrasweet and aspartame, which are just synthetic chemicals, have been controversially linked to health risks and side-effects. Best alternative to sugar is the recently popularised herb “stevia” – not its crystalline extract or tablets but the chopped dried leaves you get from health food stores. Stevia has been termed as the “calorie-free bio-sweetener of high quality without any toxicity or side effects”. Scientific research has indicated that stevia effectively regulates blood sugar and blood pressure. Powder of stevia leaves tastes on average 30 times (depending upon the variety) sweeter than cane sugar or sucrose and has zero calories. It does not cause any insulin response. It is a dream come true for diabetics and those obese and overweight people trying to shed the deadly cargo of fat and of course conscious eaters like you!
200. Salt is a mineral compound (sodium chloride) containing two minerals – 40% sodium and 60% chlorine. It is the sodium that is needed by the body. The human body contains about 4 ounces of sodium in fluids that surround the body’s cells, such as blood and lymph fluid. Sweat and tears contain sodium. Without enough of it, muscles would not contract, food not be digested and the heart would not beat. Sodium plays an important role in the regulation of blood pressure and it is essential for overall good health in the required quantity. Sodium acts with other electrolytes, especially potassium, in the intracellular fluid to regulate and maintain proper fluid balance in the body. It is a factor in maintaining the acid base equilibrium in transmitting nerve impulses, and in relaxing muscles. Sodium is also required for glucose absorption and for transportation of other nutrients.
Downsides of Excess Salt
201. So much for the benefits and now why it has been included in the “three white poisons” along with sugar and starch (maida). While it is true that some salt is needed for healthy functioning of the body and less importantly to make food palatable, it is also important to know that excess of it can also lead to serious health problems: –