
164. Water regulates body temperature. If you don’t drink enough water, you compromise the evaporation process your skin uses to keep you cool. Water will do wonders for your skin too. It flushes out impurities in your skin through sweating, leaving you with a young looking clear and glowing complexion. About 16% of the body’s water is stored in the muscles, which will become soft and flabby if you become dehydrated. Drinking less water can lead to hyper acidity, gas formation and chronic constipation. All these conditions lead to excess pressure on the heart and can develop into serious health problems. Acidity is just the beginning of many bigger problems.
165. Drinking adequate amount of water prevents fatigue, improves physical performance and blood circulation, enhances the functions of the brain which is about 90% water, prevents headaches and bladder cancer, helps you to stay energised and alert, and reduces the risk of other diseases and infections. Water relieves mild fever, high blood pressure, colds, loss of appetite, gastric troubles etc.
166. Water is so vital that it is rare to live for more than few days without water, even though you could live several weeks without food. When the amount of water you excrete exceeds the amount of water you take in, you are in a state of dehydration. Dehydration can occur as a result of heavy physical activity, sweating or an illness that includes vomiting, diarrhoea, or fever. Drinking too much alcohol or eating a high protein diet can also cause dehydration. A prolonged state of dehydration can lead to kidney failure and even death. It is especially important to drink enough water if you are trying to lose weight.