
(ii) Chromium – It’s needed for metabolism of sugar and without it insulin is less effective in controlling blood sugar levels. This means that it is harder to burn off your food as fuel and more may be stored as fat. It also helps to control levels of fat and cholesterol in the blood. Chromium also helps to control cravings and reduce hunger. Good food sources of chromium include egg yolks, molasses, meat, hard cheese, liver, fruit juices, and wholegrain bread.
(iii) Zinc – This is an important mineral in appetite control and a deficiency can cause a loss of taste and smell, creating a need for stronger tasting foods (which tend to be sweeter, saltier and more fattening!) Good sources of zinc include shellfish, herring, wheat germ, lean meat, eggs, lentils, brazil nuts, almonds and chicken.
(iv) Magnesium – Essential for protein synthesis, regulates blood sugar, releases energy from nutrients, increases calcium absorption, helps muscles relax after contraction, and conducts nerve impulses. Many studies show that magnesium also reduces PMS symptoms including cravings for carbohydrates and chocolate. Found in many foods, including fish, milk, green leafy vegetables, nuts, wholegrain breads, and yoghurt.
(v) Manganese – It helps regulate fat metabolism and blood glucose. It is needed for a healthy thyroid function which itself is essential to maintain a healthy weight. Good food sources of manganese include tea, wheat-germ, spinach, split peas, nuts, oat germ, oatmeal, pineapple, and green leafy vegetables.
163. Water is rightly termed as nectar or fountain and elixir of life and is an essential compound in your diet. About two-thirds of your body weight is water (65-70% in males, 55-65% in females). The percentage of water in the body depends on the amount of body fat a person has. People with high percentage of body fat have lower percentage of body water than normal. Much of this water is found inside your cells. The remaining water is found in the spaces surrounding cells, and in your blood stream and digestive juices. It is the medium in which most of our bodily functions take place. It is essential for our digestion, absorption and elimination systems. If you don’t drink enough water you can’t get the full benefit of the nutrients in the food you eat. Metabolic processes such as energy production, muscle building and fat burning require water. Water lubricates joints too. Hence taking an insufficient amount of water would deter such biological functions. Drinking adequate amount of water maintains consistency, quality and thinness of blood. Your blood is about 90% water and this is your body’s transport system for transporting nutrients around the body. Adequate amount of water lessens the burden on the kidneys and liver by helping to flush out harmful toxins and waste products. Water rinses cell wastes, blood poisons and environmental pollution. Water helps maintain acidity at proper levels.