
146. Research indicates that a diet made up of many suitable low G.I. foods can be a healthy way to lose weight permanently by reducing food cravings, delayed hunger, more energy and a lower risk of certain diseases. The best diet approach for the obese is a balanced diet of suitable fresh fruits and raw vegetables, small amount of protein especially vegetable protein; and unaltered, unrefined high fibre carbohydrates including sprouted grains. Avoid energy-rich foods made from white starch using excess sugar and fat.
Fats and Oils
147. Fat is the most concentrated form of energy in food. Along with carbohydrates, fat is an important fuel for the body, yielding 9 calories per gram. One table spoon contains about 13½ grams of fat or 120 calories. Like carbs, fat also consists of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, but these elements are arranged differently. Fat in the diet belongs to a class of compounds called lipids. Lipids in moderation are essential for good health. Many hormones including the sex hormones, are made from lipids.
148. Fats and Oils are required by the human body for many functions – as part of cell membranes, hormones and as part of biological messengers. It is also part of skin and tissue and nerve endings. Fat takes a longer time to digest than either carbs or protein, and it therefore contributes to that sense of fullness that lasts for several hours after a meal. Besides staving of hunger, fat helps in the absorption of vitamins A, D, E and K and cartenoids, which are essential for better vision, strong bones, healthy heart and quick blood clotting. When eaten in moderation, fat is an important energy source for growth, development and maintenance of good health. Oils which are cold pressed are healthy since they have heart-friendly antioxidants. When any type of oil is heated beyond the smoking point, it undergoes harmful structural changes and is unhealthy, so deep frying is toxic for the body. Research from Spain shows that cooking oils get worse for your heart the more often it is reused. More than three repeated heatings of oil produces dangerous levels of harmful compounds.
149. The body has a tendency to resist using its stored fat reserve for energy unless absolutely necessary as it sees stored fat as a fuel which should only be used in emergencies. Because the body does not recognise the fat in food as energy for immediate use, it does not tell the brain to cut hunger signals, so we go on eating and wanting more. That is why moderation is the key word when consuming foods laden with fats and oils.