
(xv) Avoid Stress and Learn to Relax – Stress can actually cause weight gain, particularly around the tummy. Physical and emotional stress activates the release of cortisol, a steroid that slows metabolism. Yogic or simple exercises, meditation, music, body massage and laughter will help you get rid of stress and achieve calmer disposition.
(xvi) Avoid Pills, Powders and Fad Dieting – These are promoted for weight loss through advertisements and should be avoided at all costs. There are no quick fixes and in the long term these miracle potions wreak havoc with your metabolism. Depending on your body structure / weight, never eat less than 1000-1200 calories through balanced nutritious food intake necessary to support your basal metabolic rate. Anything less than that will slow your metabolism.
Laughter – The Best MEDICINE for Healthy Living
122. Readers Digest slogan – “Laughter is the Best Medicine” is more than true, after all. If not a panacea for all ailments, it is certainly a good preventative measure that also makes you feel great. Research, the world over, has proved that health and happiness go hand in hand. Humour and positive attitude to life is health – the happier you are, the healthier you are. You need to laugh enough naturally or as learned behaviour to release natural pain killers and feel good hormones (endorphins) and to reduce stress hormone cortisol levels to stay healthy.
123. Like exercise, a hearty laugh (laughtercising) releases and tones the facial and other muscles, improves oxygen uptake at both the cellular and organ level and improves respiration, makes blood less stickier due to reduced levels of fibrinogen which improves blood circulation and keeps your heart in shape and blood pressure in check – all this can make you look younger and live longer.
124. Laughter also bolsters your immune system and suppresses stress hormones by producing enough antibodies in the mucous membranes of the nose and respiratory passages. Funnily, but truly, even the anticipation of watching a humourous video can raise levels of immune boosting hormones in the blood and the benefits can last up to a day. Researchers have proved that energetic, happy and relaxed people are less likely to catch a cold than those who are depressed, angry and nervous. Laughter stimulates both sides of the brain to enhance learning.