
Exercise Precautions
114. Pay attention to the following precautions: –
- Keep Hydrated – One of the most important principles to follow is to drink enough water. Your body depends on water to sustain many chemical reactions and to maintain correct body temperature. Sweating during exercise depletes body’s water reserves and can lead to dehydration and other complications, if fluids are not replaced.
- Start Slowly – Build up your activities and your level of effort gradually.
- Do Stretching, Warming Exercises – Stretching promotes flexibility. Make sure you always do warming exercises before workouts to prevent injury and soreness.
- Pay Attention to Breathing – The rule for breathing is to exhale during muscle exertion and inhale during relaxation. Breathing-in can be done through nose and breathing-out through the mouth.
- Don’t hang about in the Gym for long – Time and intensity are inversely proportional. If you work harder, you don’t need to work as long. If you know, you have 40 minutes to get through, you can focus, give it your best effort and be done before you know it. If you are there for hours in the gym you may workout your jaw muscles more in the canteen!
- Hire a Personal Trainer – Hiring a personal trainer might be expensive but your health is priceless. Seeing a trainer even once a week can help to keep you accountable, measure your progress, help you establish new goals and attain your dream body.
115. Some of the morbidly obese people, who do not care to get rid of the fat through naturo-food therapy and exercise, opt for quick but very costly and risky fat removing surgical methods. One such method is “liposuction”, also known as “lipoplasty” – a cosmetic surgery in which localised areas of excess fat are removed from subcutaneous tissues through a metal cannula with side holes connected to a high pressure vacuum. Though fat reduction by liposuction is instant, but this is short-lived as the causes of obesity still persist. A recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine explains that having kilos of fat removed from the belly surgically only makes you look slimmer; it does not protect you from heart disease and diabetes – both of which are fat-related. The study found that the surgery only removed belly fat, leaving untouched a deeper layer of viceral fat found outside the abdominal wall and around the organs. The secretions from the viceral fat go directly to the liver and may interfere with the roles liver plays in helping regulate levels of glucose and cholesterol in the blood.