
103. Fats are burnt in the presence of oxygen i.e. doing aerobic exercise such as cycling, jogging slowly, jumping rope, running (but not sprinting), walking briskly and long distance swimming which will burn 300-400 calories in 30-40 minutes. Even moderate walking will burn about 150 calories. Exercising at 60-80% of the maximum heart rate is ideal for burning fat, providing there are no health complications to make this inadvisable. An intensity greater than this will fall into anaerobic category and this may build your heart and burn some calories but will not burn fat. As a thumb rule, the maximum heart rate can be deduced by subtracting the age from the figure of 220.
104. In comparison, high intensity anaerobic exercises of short duration, like sprinting, soccer, football, racquet ball, downhill skiing, decrease the oxygen intake leading to the decrease in the burning of calories. If during exercise one cannot carryout conversation without stopping, that means one is working too fast in an anaerobic manner which will not get rid of fat.
105. In aerobic exercise muscles draw on oxygen in the blood and as well as fats and glucose that increases cardiovascular endurance. If your goal is body fat loss, then at least 30 and up to 60 minutes 5-6 days a week of moderately intensive aerobic exercise is the perfect answer. If it is not possible to set aside a big chunk of time, cardiovascular exercises for e.g. 30 minutes a day can be broken down into three 10 minute sessions and health benefits will be the same.
106. Benefits of aerobic exercise include: –
- Conditions the heart and lungs by increasing the oxygen available to the body and by enabling the heart to use oxygen more efficiently.
- In conjunction with strength training and proper diet will reduce body fat through improved metabolism.
- Increases resistance to fatigue and promotes extra energy.
- Tones muscles and increases lean body mass.
- Improves mood, reduces depression and anxiety.