
99. Walking improves metabolism, respiratory functions and immunity; reduces cholesterol, increases circulation and blood flow to the skin giving you glow. Walking boosts the mood, improvers posture, helps to treat mild to moderate depression, promotes self-confidence, helps control stress, anxiety and anger and increases the ability to cope life generally. It can improve glucose tolerance, can reduce the risk of obesity, heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, colon cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis and lower back pain. Walking can improve quality of sleep and resistance to common cold.
100. Brisk walking is preferable to running in view of practical feasibility and less risk of trauma to knee joints in the longer term. Walking shoes should be comfortable and well-fitting, should have good ankle support and soft bouncy insole. Slow walks are a waste of time. The physical stress on the body has to be sustained for 30-40 minutes to get fat loss benefits. One should gradually progress and aim to do 4 km. of brisk walking in 30-35 minutes at least 5 days a week to achieve maximum benefit.
Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercises and Weight Loss
101. The word aerobic means air, but more specifically it refers to the oxygen in the air; and anaerobic means without oxygen. Aerobic exercise is intensive exercise facilitating synthesis of high energy compounds in the presence of oxygen. The muscles need oxygen to function and their need goes up when we work them.
102. The picture perfect weight reduction programme cannot be completed without suitable exercise as it helps you to lose fat, build muscle and increase metabolism. Obese persons are advised not to use strong weight reduction therapies. It is seen that mild and long term therapies to combat obesity produce more sustainable and safe results. Experts suggest that the only type of exercise of real significance for obese persons is moderately intense aerobic exercise. Sufficiently prolonged aerobic exercise changes the body on a biochemical level, altering the deeply ingrained way the obese handle carbohydrates and fat. Aerobic exercises stimulate and improve the endocrine system which may be a factor in weight gain in the first place. Certainly, thyroid disorders have been implicated in obesity, as have disorders of the hypothalamus, pituitary, pineal, pancreas, adrenal and sex glands.