
(ii) Raw vegetables – allowed almost without restraint. A raw salad meal should be taken once or twice each day, alone, or with other compatible foods such as protein or unrefined starch.
(iii) Vegetables – The only cooked vegetables allowed are fresh and conservatively cooked (steamed, stewed, lightly sauteed, or baked, but not fried) fresh vegetables. No frozen, fried or canned vegetables are to be used. The proportion of cooked vegetables consumed should be less than raw. Vegetables properly cooked are still slightly crispy. Potatoes are allowed 2-3 times per week but only if eaten with the skin.
(iv) Proteins – Beans, sprouted beans, sprouted seeds, nuts in moderation, fish, chicken and turkey (wild, if possible), low-fat yoghurt, and poached eggs are the major proteins with the vegetarian sources stressed. No meat is allowed unless it is from wild game, which has far less fat content. Most meats you find in the supermarkets have been raised with the use of hormones which can trigger weight gain and should be avoided.
(v) Carbohydrates – All refined carbohydrates are absolutely forbidden. This means sugar, alcohol, white flour and its products (bread, pastry, macroni, etc.), quick oats, most packaged cereals, and any other processed starch. Eat only conservatively cooked, unrefined brown rice, millet, barley, rye, buck-wheat, wheat berries, bulgur, corn, and any other whole grain. These should be taken in their natural state and not ground into flour for bread or cooked cereal. Let your teeth do the grinding.
(vi) Fats – Cold pressed unsaturated oils are allowed for salad dressings with lemon juice and / or apple cider vinegar plus herbs, or when needed in cooking in very small amounts.
350. Obviously, one should not overeat. It is also far better to eat five to six smaller meals than two or three larger ones. A useful rule to eliminate habit of unnecessary snacking is to eat only while eating. In other words, when eating, concentrate only on the meal or snack to hand. No talking, reading, listening to the radio, watching TV, or any other mental distraction is allowed. This eleminates the tendency to munch incessantly and requires that the person be hungry enough to discontinue all other activities to eat.