
325. As if green tea wasn’t busy enough saving the world from diseases, it can help you to lose weight too. Coffee and tea, especially green tea, are known to boost metabolism. A higher metabolism means you burn calories faster. Green tea helps fat oxidation and what is more, it can help you lose excess water weight – the kind that makes you feel bloated. Just think, sipping for good health might also help you fit back into your skinny clothes!
326. Green tea inhibits fat absorption and helps glucose regulation. Catechins in green tea help inhibit the movement of glucose into cells. Green tea may also act as a “glucose regulator” by helping slow the rise in blood sugar after a meal. This prevents high insulin spikes and subsequent fat storage. Continuous intake of green tea is suspected to decrease appetite (meaning less food intake and less weight). This may be due to the blood sugar regulating effects of green tea.
327. Green Tea – how to get the best out of it – Green tea appears to be a panacea to fight diseases including obesity. The following tips would help to obtain the maximum benefits from drinking tea: –
- For making tea, always boil fresh water – reboiling water takes oxygen out and gives a slightly metallic taste.
- Because boiling water destroys some of the antioxidants in tea, you should steep tea in water that is hot, but not boiling.
- Brew tea for 3-4 minutes for optimal benefit.
- Drink brewed tea before it gets too cool and turns to a dark brown colour.
- As far as possible, consume tea without any additional sweeteners.
- But if you just can’t deny your sweet tooth, add a half teaspoon of honey per small cup and / or add a squeeze of lemon or use stevia leaves.
- Topping it with a little skimmed milk will sneak some calcium into your diet but won’t change the health benefits of tea.
- If using a teapot, put milk in the cup first to avoid scalding the fats in the milk.
- If using a tea bag in a cup, put the milk in second.