
308. Botanically a fruit, tomatoes popularity stems from its ability to combine well with many foods. Tomatoes are an excellent source of helpful nutrients. A cupful of fresh tomatoes will provide daily value of vitamin C (57%), vitamine A (23%), fibre (8%), potassium (11.5%), vitamin B3-niacin (5.6%), vitamin B6 (7%), folate (7%) and vitamin K (13.5%). Tomatoes also contain calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, boron and vitamin E.
309. Tomatoes are an excellent source of a phytochemical called lycopene which gives tomatoes their brilliant colour. Lycopene, along with vitamin A and vitamin C, acts as a powerful antioxidant offering protection against damage by free radicals. Lycopene is present in all fresh, canned and all forms of processed tomatoes including tomato ketchup. Lycopene is closely associated with a reduction in the risk of cell damage and developing heart disease and cancers including colorectal, prostate, breast, endometrial, lung, pancreatic, cervical, oral and esophageal.
310. Besides, tomato juice promotes gastric secretion, acts as blood purifier and works as intestinal antiseptic. According to experts tomatoes play a role in liver health by acting as useful detoxifiers because of the presence of chlorine and shlphur, two very important detoxifying trace elements. According to dietetions, if two raw ripe tomatoes are taken before meals, their high folic acid content prevents heart disease and cancers. Tomatoes also reduce bad LDL cholesterol and high blood pressure.
311. Tomatoes are low in calories, just about 30 calories in two small tomatoes. Thus they are a useful addition to a weight reducing diet. One or two tomatoes taken raw early in the morning, without breakfast, for a couple of months is considered a safe method of weight reduction, at the same time supplying the essential food elements which preserve the health.