Irritable Bowel Syndrome

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1.         You avoid social gatherings where food will be served on outdoor events where you may not find a bathroom; going to work on time and keeping appointments is sometimes a problem because of your unpredictable bowel habits! If this sounds like you, you may be suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome, also known as Spastic Colon or Mucous Colitis! Although there may be nothing physically wrong with your gastrointestinal tract, you may have a sensitive colon that reacts to things that won’t bother other people. In rare cases, IBS may also be the result of a severe infection.

2.         IBS is one of the most common disorders that people suffer from. Young and middle-aged adults are those most prone to it. It is more common in women aged 20-45 years than men of the same age, but children can also suffer due to unhealthy junk food consumption. The symptoms come and go and there may be many years of respite between bouts.

3.         IBS is a condition that interferes with normal functioning of the bowels or the intestines, which means your digestive system is under too much strain and your intestines are not working properly. IBS patients also end up quite depleted nutritionally as this condition interferes with the absorption of nutrients.


4.         Though a number of factors are held responsible for the occurrence of IBS, no one exactly knows about its definite causes. It is believed that IBS restricts the contraction and relaxation of the rings of muscle in the walls of the gut which push down through the intestines, into the colon and rectum, and finally through the anus. When the sequence of muscle action is weak or disturbed, spasmodic pain with explosive, watery diarrhoea or constipation results. Muscles of the bowels are controlled by the autonomic nervous system; they are not consciously directed.

5.         Modern researchers believe that people with IBS have a colon (large intestine) that is more sensitive and reactive to a number of things including food and stress. It is possible that stress triggers hormonal changes that can cause too much stomach acid or interference with digestion. Altered ability to move spontaneously of the intestines, muscle contractions, a weakened immune system, anxiety, and a disturbed nervous system result in a fastened or slower movement of the intestinal contents. Ayurveda attributes IBS as a sequel to the weakening of the digestive fire (system) whereby the lower end of the stomach results in a condition where a person is unable to digest even a simple food.

6.         The end result is either diarrhoea i.e. too much fluid in the stool due to the poor absorption or constipation occurring due to the sluggish propulsion and the more absorption of the liquid contents. Sometimes both these conditions occur alternately. Usually diarrhoea is worse in the morning and it may also contain slimy mucus. If you have any bleeding from the bowels, it may be the result of an unusually severe type of IBS, but it could also indicate something more serious in which case you must seek competent advice and/or consult a naturo-food therapist immediately. If you experience IBS symptoms together with a rapid loss of weight, especially if you are over 60, also seek expert advice at once.

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