
Let Elderly not Retire into Depression
For the elderly, to prevent being depressed, regular exercise, reaching out to others of same age, socialising with loved ones, seven to nine hours of sleep everyday, healthy diet, indulging in pastimes that bring joy and laughter, helping others, learning new skills and taking care of a pet are the best remedies. We have to make children’s bond with their grandparents stronger rather than shunning the elderly. Let us join hands to promote a society in which elderly are respected and connected with families, as we will also enter the same arena one day.
Bury the Worry
Worrying is one of the mind’s biggest time robbers. It creates so much clutter in your mind that you can’t think clearly about anything. Find a pigeon-hole deep in the recesses of your mind, where you can file away your worries. As you worry about the past or the future, you are wasting valuable energy which you could use much more productively. When you do find yourself worrying, consider an alternative way of thinking about the situation and change the thought. Redress the balance by remembering what has worked in your life around the worrying issue or accept that it is happening and that worrying won’t change it. What can you do? If there is anything you can do, work out what and how, and do it. If nothing, think what you might do differently next time and how you are going to move on. Take on the Buddhist mantra: “Just for today, I will not worry or get angry.”
Be Active and Exercise Regularly
Clinical research has shown that regular cardiovascular (vigorous) exercise can help reduce the symptoms of depression and also make it less likely for you to get depressed if you are otherwise fit and healthy. The depressive mood can be overcome by activity. Those who are depressive will forget their misery by doing something. They should turn away from themselves and consider others. At home they can take to decorating, repairing or constructing something new. The pleasure of achievement overcomes the distress of misery. Also join a fitness programme at the local gym or take an aerobic class (spinning, kickboxing, bollywood dancing). Anything that gets your moving is useful.