
Exhaustion and Fatigue. Feel fatigued easily or get drained out after normal day. No matter how much you sleep, you may still feel tired. Getting out of the bed in the morning may seem very difficult, even impossible.
Lack of or difficulty in sleeping. People with depression may wake up too early or would not be able to fall asleep. Others may sleep much more than normal.
Psychological or Emotional Symptoms
Feeling persistently sad, anxious, tearful, empty mood, hopeless or numb almost throughout the day, everyday.
Loss of interest in Life and in things you used to enjoy. You might no longer bother with hobbies that you used to love. You may lose interest in all pleasurable activities including sex.
Irritability, anger, restlessness or anxiety. You might become short-tempered and find it difficult to relax. Feel more anxious than usual.
Withdrawal from social situations, family and friends. You may lose confidence to face people and tend to avoid conversations. You may prefer to be left alone. Fear of rejection may lead to the loss of motivation and willpower which further leads to social withdrawal.
Pessimism about the future. You may come to believe erroneously that future does not have anything good in store for you and you may lose your zest for life. You may nurture strange beliefs that either you or the world has ceased to exist or that your insides are rotting.
Difficulty in making decisions. Depression can make it hard to remember details, think clearly or concentrate while reading newspaper or watching the TV and may pose memory problems. Making a simple choice can seem overwhelming.
Feelings of guilt, helplessness or worthlessness are often exaggerated or inappropriate to the situation. You might feel guilty for things that are not your fault or that you have no control over. You feel that you are a burden on people around you. Or you may feel intense guilt for minor mistakes and you feel things are never going to improve. You may start to believe that you deserve to be treated shabbily.
May become unduly suspicious and come to believe that people are conspiring against you or planning to harm or kill you.