Cancer Fighting Foods

(ix) Never skip Breakfast – Eat a fruit instead of tea or coffee within 15-20 minutes of waking followed by a nutritious breakfast and green tea (preferably without milk and sugar) later.
(x) Eat Light Dinner – Have your light meal or snack 2-2½ hours before hitting the bed.
(xi) Don’t get dehydrated – Drink at least 2-2½ litres (more if you exercise, are overweight and in hot weather) of water at regular intervals. If just too boring, add lemon wedges or mint leaves for flavour in the jug of water.
(xii) Avoid Drinking Water with Meals – Drink water about an hour before or after meals to avoid diluting the digestive juices.
(xiii) Don’t follow Fad Diets – These diets don’t include all the food groups and nutrients and these never work in the longterm. Mantra is to simply eat healthy.
(xiv) Avoid the Three White Poisons – Excessive intake of Sugar, Salt and Starch (Maida) and their products should be avoided as far as possible.
(xv) Totally eliminate Junk Food from Your Diet – Avoid fat-rich, refined, processed and fried junk foods like burgers, noodles, pizzas and beverages like colas and fizzy drinks laden with harmful chemical additives and preservatives.
(xvi) Detox Yourself – Go on a detoxification diet only of fruits and vegetables and their juices to get rid of toxins after every two weeks.
(xvii) Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity – WHO.
(xviii)Every human being is the Author of his own health or disease – Gautam Buddha.
(xix)To ensure Good Health; eat light, breathe deeply, live moderately, cultivate cheerfulness and maintain an interest in life – William Londen.
(xx)Modify Your Lifestyle – If you are not willing to sit down and change the way you live each day to include exercise, healthy eating and time to enjoy and nurture yourself with some fun, laughter, relaxation and adequate sleep, then it is very difficult to stay healthy and fight lifestyle diseases like cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure and raised cholesterol levels.
(xxi)Maintain Healthy Weight – To combat lifestyle diseases, it is absolutely essential to maintain healthy weight through healthy diet, regular physical exercise and rest/relaxation.
(xxii)Say Goodbye to Sedentary Lifestyle – Lead an active life, keep fidgeting, do regular exercise and participate in social work to help others.
(xxiii)Have Regular Health Checkups – Maintain normal cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure levels through Naturo-Food Therapy and not by medication.
(xxiv)Look after Your Digestive System – According to Ayurveda, mere nutrition without proper digestion is meaningless.
(xxv)Reduce Stress – Though occasionally stress is not bad for health but excessive stress over long periods needs to be kept manageable through regular physical, yogic and deep breathing exercises and other relaxation techniques like meditation.
(xxvi)Get Quality Sleep – Sleep is prescribed by Nature. Good sleep improves your defence mechanism. Make sure adults get 7-8 hours of good quality sleep to rejuvenate the body in totally dark room. Melatonin, the hormone that stimulates sleep and suppresses abnormal cancer cell development is secreted by the pineal gland in the darkness at night.
(xxvii)Quit Smoking – Tobacco smoke is a very potent toxin (poison) responsible for lung and other cancers and many other diseases and disorders.
(xxviii)Love Yourself – You are the only one of your kind in the world. You must feel good about yourself. Love, adore, cherrish and celebrate your own body. Good health begins with loving yourself.
(xxix)Banish Negative Emotions – Learn to let go of negative emotions such as anger, guilt, anxiety, fear, unforgiveness, hostility, bitterness and insecurity connected with longstanding issues that can’t be resolved.
(xxx)Bury the Past – Realise your dreams, goals, loves and being. Be the person you always wanted to be with happy memories devoid of resentment and sadness for past events hurting the most.
(xxxi)Live the Present – You can’t change the Past (it has gone and will never come back), but you can ruin a perfect Present by unnecessarily worrying about the Future which is unknowable. So enjoy and savour the Present.
(xxxii)Don’t despair and don’t feel Hopeless – A bout of depression can wreak havoc with the immune system. By remaining cheerful you can boost it. Despair and hopelessness raise the risk of heart attacks and cancer, thereby shortening life. Joy and fulfillment keep us healthy and extend life.
(xxxiii)Be Positive and Optimistic – Above all, patients and even healthy persons should make every effort to develop a positive, optimistic and cheerful attitude in their thinking and have faith in themselves that they can achieve a healthy body and mind.