Cancer Fighting Foods

Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acid
— Long-chain Omega-3’s are involved in developing the nervous system, making cell membranes more flexible and in reducing inflammation. In cell cultures, they reduce cancer cell growth in a large number of cancers like lung, breast, colon, prostate, kidney. They also act to reduce the spread of tumours in the form of metastasis. The best sources of long-chain Omega-3s are small fish, like whole anchovies, tuna, mackerel, salmon and sardines (including canned sardines, provided they are preserved in olive oil and not in sunflower oil, which is too rich in inflammation causing Omega-6). Notes: (i) The bigger the fish (e.g. tuna), the more contaminated it is by mercury, PCB’s and dioxins, all of which pollute the ocean floor. (ii) Frozen fish progressively loses its Omega-3 content. Flaxseed is very rich in short-chain vegetable Omega-3s and also in lignans. These phytoestrogens allay the harmful effects of hormones that promote cancer growth. In a recent study at Duke University, daily intake of 30 gms of ground flaxseeds slowed the growth of existing prostate tumours by 30 to 40%. Flaxseed, a plant cultivated since ancient times, was an ingredient in the “Greek Bread” which the Romans ate. It just so happens that flaxseed is the only seed in the entire plant kingdom that contains more beneficial Omega-3s than harmful Omega-6s — three times more infact. Note: When animals eat flaxseeds (after appropriate cooking), it can greatly increase the Omega-3 content in meat, butter, cheese and eggs, even if it represents as little as 5% of their feed. Normal dose for humans is upto 2 teaspoons a day.
Allium Family Herbs
— Garlic, Onions, Leeks, Shallots, Chives — The sulphur compounds of this family reduce the carcinogenic effects of compounds which are created in over-grilled meat and during tobacco combustion. They also promote apoptosis (cell death) in colon, breast, lung and prostate cancers, as well as in leukaemia. Studies suggest a reduction in kidney and prostate cancers in people who consume the most garlic. Moreover all the herbs in this family help to regulate blood sugar levels. This in turn reduces insulin secretions and IGF which inhibit the growth of cancer cells.
— The believers of garlic’s medicinal cult say that 2 or 3 cloves of fresh raw garlic a day will cure everything from common cold to high blood pressure to impotence to plague! Garlic, containing more than 100 biologically useful chemicals, has been used for medicinal purposes in all ancient cultures since 3,000 B.C. The garlic’s sulphur containing compounds, like allicin, allin, cyeroalin, and diallyldisulphide which are responsible for its strong odour, are the source of its medicinal strength and anti-carcinogenic character.
Ayurveda describes garlic as a digestive, carminative, cardiac stimulant, expectorant, diuretic, analgesic, anti-arthritic, anti-ageing anti-clotting anti-flatulent, liver protective, antiseptic (defeats bacterial, fungal and viral infections), antioxidant and an aphrodisiac (libido enhancing) agent.
Garlic is beneficial in treating anaemia, rheumatic diseases, diabetes, hypoglycaemia, asthma, whooping cough, pneumonia, insomnia, allergies, intestinal worms, parasite diarrhoea, acne/pimples (rub them with raw garlic), boils, rashes, eczema. Garlic is considered to be more effective than penicillin and other antibiotics in combating the bacteria that causes diphtheria and tuberculosis. Garlic purifies the blood, helps to break up and lower cholesterol in the blood vessels, prevents heart attacks and counters bad effects of breathing exhaust fumes of vehicles and atmospheric pollution. Garlic regulates blood sugar levels, improves memory and brain function and aids in weight loss.