Cancer Fighting Foods

– Berries like blackberries, blackcurrants, blueberries, strawberries, cranberries, raspberries, cherries contain ellagic acid and a large number of polyphenols. They stimulate the mechanisms of elimination of carcinogenic substances and inhibit angiogenesis. Ellagic acid found in strawberries and raspberries (it is also found in walnuts and hazelnuts) is known to slow tumour growth significantly in mice exposed to aggressive carcinogens. Ellagic acid also detoxifies cells: it blocks the transformation of environmental carcinogens into toxic substances. These toxins are dangerous because they interact with DNA and provoke life-threatening mutations. Hence ellagic acid is a kind of super-molecule that is capable of acting on several fronts. Another natural anti-cancer food is cherries, which contain glucaric acid, a substance that can detoxify the body by facilitating elimination of xenoestrogens that come from environmental chemicals. Blueberries contain anthocyanidins and proanthocyanidins molecules which are capable of forcing cancer cells to commit suicide (apoptosis). These molecules act on several cancer lines and are particularly effective against colon cancer. Other rich sources of proanthocyanidins are cranberries, cinnamon and dark chocolate. Note : Freezing does not damage the anti-cancer molecules in the berries, so in winter frozen berries can replace fresh ones.
Citrus Fruits
— Fruits like oranges, grapefruits, lemons, sweet limes (mausamies), pineapple contain anti-inflammatory and anti-clotting flavonoids. They also stimulate the detoxification of carcinogens by the liver. It has been shown that flavonoids in the skin of organic tangerines — tangeritin and nobiletin — penetrate brain cancer cells, facilitate their death by apoptosis and lower their potential for invading neighbouring tissues.
Pomegranate Juice
— Pomegranate juice has been used in Persian medicine for thousands of years. Its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties have already been confirmed, as well as its capacity to substantially reduce the development of prostate cancer (among others), even in its most aggressive form. In humans, daily consumption of pomegranate juice slows the spread of an established prostate cancer by 67%. Recommendation for use: one glass (225 ml) a day of pomegranate juice with breakfast.
Red Wine
— Red wine contains many polyphenols, including the celebrated resveratrol. These polyphenols are enhanced by fermentation; hence their concentration is much greater in wine than in red grape juice. Resveratrol acts on genes (called sirtuins) that are known to protect cells against ageing. It can also slow the three stages of cancer development — initiation, promotion and progression — by blocking the action of NF-Kappa B. These benefits derive from consumption of only one glass of red wine. Note: More than one glass (160ml) of red wine may lead to an increase in cancer. Wine from Burgundy with its damp climate is particularly rich in resveratrol.