Cancer Fighting Foods

(i) boosts the body’s ability to overcome virtually all kinds of diseases;
(ii) increases the body’s resistance to infections; and
(iii) slows down or even reverses the ageing process.
If the tumour’s environment is deprived of the inflammatory factors needed for its growth, it will not succeed in spreading. The fact is that these inflammatory factors, these fertilizers for cancer, are provided directly by our diet. Major dietary fertilizers are: refined sugars and starches which drive up pro-inflammatory insulin and IGF, insufficient amounts of Omega-3s and the corresponding excess of Omega-6s which change into inflammatory molecules, and growth hormones present in meat and non-organic dairy products, which also stimulate IGF. Conversely, diet may also furnish ‘anti-promoters,’ such as all the phyto-chemical components of some vegetables or particular fruits, which directly counterbalance inflammatory mechanisms.
If certain foods in our diet can act as fertilizers for tumours, others on the contrary harbour precious anti-cancer molecules. As recent discoveries show, these go far beyond the usual vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. In Nature, when confronted with aggression, fruits and vegetables can neither fight nor flee. To survive, they must be armed with powerful molecules capable of defending them against bacteria, viruses, insects and bad weather. These molecules are phyto-chemical compounds with anti-microbial, anti-fungal and insecticidal properties, that act on the biological mechanisms of potential aggressors. They also have antioxidant properties that protect the plant’s cells from dampness and the sun’s rays (by preventing cellular ‘rust’ from forming when the cell’s fragile mechanisms are exposed to the corrosive effects of oxygen.) The phyto-chemical compounds that protect the plants may help protect against cancer when broken down in the human digestive system.
Anti-cancer foods (see Annex 1) are able to detoxify our bodies by eliminating many carcinogens. Even if certain anti-cancer foods are contaminated by pesticides etc, the positive impact of anti-cancer molecules wins out over the negative effect of carcinogens. Anti-cancer diet is primarily that which is:
(i) high in organic fruits, vegetables (including green leafy) and sprouted wholegrains and legumes, nuts and seeds, and oily fish accompanied by olive, canola (Canadian mustard variety) or flaxseed oils, garlic, onions, turmeric carminative herbs and spices; and
(ii) low on red meat, dairy produce, salt, sugar, starch and totally devoid of transfats and junk foods.
Cancer lies dormant in all of us. Like all living organisms our bodies are making defective cells all the time. That is how tumours are born. But like fruits and vegetables, our bodies are also designed and equipped by NATURE with a number of mechanisms that fight the process of tumour growth development and a host of other diseases. These mechanisms need to be kept in top gear by keeping immunity levels boosted up by consuming health-giving and disease-fighting Natural Foods.