Cancer Fighting Foods

The dreaded disease of cancer owes its existence to what we eat. Healthy life is directly proportional to the quality of food you put into your system and quality of your lifestyle. For example in USA over 60% of all cancers in women and over 40% in men are said to be due to faulty dietary and malnutrition factors. By upsetting the balance in our diets, we have created optimum conditions in our bodies for the development of cancer. Cancer growth is stimulated to a large extent by toxins from the wrong foods and the polluted environment. And in order to begin to combat cancer, we have to begin by detoxifying what we eat. Detoxification is a fundamental concept in most ancient medical traditions from Hippocrates (father of modern medicine) to Ayurveda and is absolutely necessary today to fight cancer and other lifestyle diseases. To cure cancer, existing acidic environment in the body needs to be alkalised by avoiding all acid forming foods and consuming alkaline foods such as vegetables and fruits (see Annex 3).
There is a saying in medical circles which goes: “As is your unhealthy lifestyle, so is your cancer”. In other words what you eat, drink and inhale, where you live, what you do, who you are, what is your sex life, how active or sedentary you are, how positive or negative thinker you are, are you stressed or relaxed most of the time, all have an adverse or beneficial impact on cancer.
There are certain circumstances under which the savage bands of cancerous cells are disrupted and lose their virulence:
(i) when the strong immune system mobilises against them;
(ii) when the healthy body refuses to create the inflammation without which they can neither grow nor invade new territories; and
(iii) when healthy blood vessels refuse to reproduce and provide the supplies they need to grow.
These are the mechanisms that can be reinforced with Naturo-Food Therapy to prevent the disease from taking hold. But once the tumour is installed, these natural defences can be exploited on their own or alongside conventional treatments (chemotherapy or radiotherapy), to fully mobilise the body’s resistance to combat cancer.
Naturo-Food Therapy stems from the unique gift of Nature — that the human body can cure itself provided we allow Nature to take its own course without hindering it by unhealthy eating and by the unwise use of drugs and medicines which invariably have harmful side effects. The most simple and basic tenet of Naturo-Food Therapy is to replace gradually the diseased blood with new healthy blood by consuming health-giving and nutritious plant-based vegetarian diets of seasonal fruits and raw/steamed vegetables (organic if possible) sprouted wholegrains/seeds, herbs and nuts. The nutrient/antioxidant/ fibre-rich natural diets mop up harmful free radicals and strengthen the body’s immune system, which: