Cancer Fighting Foods

People doing regular meditation sleep better, feel distinctly less stressed (cortisol levels go down) and sense that their lives become richer. Meditation benefits the immune system too to fight cancer and other diseases. In a nutshell meditation gives mastery over your own mind and body, you never had before.
Benefits of Physical Exercise
There are many different ways to tell our body it matters, that it is loved and respected, and to get it to sense its own desire to live. The best way is to let it practice what it was designed for: movement and physical activity. Several studies have demonstrated that the regulation and defence mechanisms that contribute to fighting cancer and other diseases can be directly stimulated by exercise. Cancer cells can’t thrive in an oxygenated environment. Exercising daily and deep breathing help to get more oxygen down to the cellular level.
There are numerous bodily mechanisms by which exercise improves overall physiology. First, it reduces the quantity of adipose tissue, the peripheral storage site for carcinogenic toxins in humans, as well as in polar bears. Some doctors refer to excess fat as “toxic waste site” of human body. Thus any form of physical activity capable of reducing fat, taking with it its stockpile of contaminants, is a prime method for detoxifying the body.
Moreover, physical exercise modifies our hormonal balance. It reduces the oestrogens and testosterones that stimulate the growth of cancers (in particular, cancers of the breast, prostate, uterus, ovary and testicles) and other diseases. Exercise also reduces blood sugar levels, and, as a result the secretion of insulin and IGF (insulin like growth factor) which contribute so dramatically to tissue inflammation and to the growth and spread of tumours. Physical exercise even acts directly on the cytokines responsible for inflammation, by lowering their level in the blood.
Physical activity, like meditation, has a direct effect on the immune system, seemingly protecting it against the stress of bad news. There is also every reason to believe that regular physical exercise substantially reduces the risk of relapse and eliminates the toxicity of drugs.
Fatigue from cancer, combined with exhaustion from treatments, is one of the most discouraging aspects of the disease. It affects 90% of patients and it may sometimes go on for years after the treatments are over. Rest has no effect, nor does sleep. The whole body feels sheathed in lead. We now know that physical exercise is one of the most proven methods to relieve fatigue resulting from cancer or from its treatment.
One of the benefits of prolonged physical effort is that it helps eliminate unceasing flow of ruminations (ponderings), at least temporarily. Pessimistic thoughts rarely surface spontaneously in the course of exercising. If they do, they are chased away in the flow of physical movement, simply by focusing attention on breathing, or contact of the feet with the ground or on the sensation of standing up straight.