Cancer Fighting Foods

Prostate Cancer
It is the most common male cancer. Rudy Guiliani, former mayor of New York and actor Roger Moore and Aditya Vikram Birla are its most famous victims. It mainly affects men over 65 in which case it can be controlled. In younger men the cancer is much more aggressive. Symptoms of Prostate Cancer — The most common symptoms of prostate cancer include: poor urine flow; frequent trips to the toilet at night; a persistent feeling of not quite emptying your bladder, often associated with dribbling after passing urine; and traces of blood in the urine or sperm. Causes of Prostate Cancer — The diet composed of processed meats, red meats, organ meats, refined grains, vegetable oils, soft drinks and packaged juices is associated with a more than double the risk of prostate cancer. Other causes include: heavy drinking and smoking; obesity and lack of exercise; high levels of testosterones; and a close member of your family has/had this cancer. Precautions against Prostate Cancer — Eat a Far-Eastern diet containing fruits, vegetables and fish. Men from Japan and China have the lowest rates of prostate cancer in the world. The protection vanishes if the men move to a different location and change their diet. Get at least half a kilo of fruits and vegetables a day for antioxidant vitamins A, C and E to mop up cancer causing free radicals. Eat zinc-rich foods like sesame seeds, nuts, oysters, wholegrains and legumes. Limit animal fat intake, lose excess weight, stop drinking alcohol and smoking.
Cancer of the Pancreas
Symptoms of Pancreatic Cancer — The common symptoms include: jaundice or yellow skin, when the tumour blocks the passage of bile and pancreatic juices. These only manifest themselves when the cancer is well advanced and can be mistaken for hepatitis; itchy skin resulting from deposit of bile salts and crystals under the skin; nausea and vomiting; upper abdominal pain which peretrates the back; and weight loss. Causes of Pancreatic Cancer — You are at risk if you smoke like a chimney and consume poor diet. The cancer is 2-3 times more common in smokers. Precautions against Pancreatic Cancer — Eat nutritious food, do regular exercise and kick the butt.
Gall Bladder Cancer
The most common disease of the gall bladder is the formation of stones within its lumen, resulting in an acute and/or chronic infection of the gall bladder known as “cholecystis”. Less commonly, the gall bladder develops a cancer. Cancer of the gall bladder is a dreaded disease that is less commonly seen in the Western world but is much more frequent in countries like India and China.