Cancer Fighting Foods

Precautions against Stomach Cancer — Get more fibre from plant foods i.e. fruits, vegetables, wholegrains and their sprouts and less of fats/oils and refined, fried and processed foods with chemical additives and preservatives. Drink plenty of water.
Bladder Cancer
Symptoms of Bladder Cancer — Blood in the urine (hematuria) but little or no pain in early stages, change in bladder habits or irritative symptoms such as dysuria (burning during urination) and urgency. These symptoms could be due to other factors and need to be investigated. Causes of Bladder Cancer — The greatest risk factor is smoking. Chemicals called aromatic amines such as benzidine and beta-naphthylamine (used in the dye industry) can cause bladder cancer. The workers in rubber, leather, textiles, paint products and printing factories are affected the most. Other workers such as painters, hairdressers, machinists and truck drivers are also at risk of developing this cancer. The risk of men getting bladder cancer is four times greater than women. Precautions against Bladder Cancer — Nutritious healthy diet, no smoking and avoiding exposure to chemicals.
Ovarian Cancer
Ovarian cancer constitutes 15-20% of cancers arising from the female genital tract and the leading cause of death from gynaecological malignancy. Usually it hits women between 50 and 70. Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer — The early symptoms (which all show up very late) include: bloating sensation and vague abdominal discomfort; abdominal pain or pain lower down in the pelvis; difficulty in eating or feeling full quickly; urination urgency or frequency; discomfort with sexual intercourse; abnormal menstruation; fatigue; indigestion; and constipation. Symptoms which may appear in the later stages include: rapid abdominal swelling; dull pain in abdomen; sudden loss of weight; and difficulty in breathing. Note : The above symptoms may not necessarily be due to ovarian cancer. Complications of Ovarian cancer may include: spreading to other parts of the body; progressive function loss of various organs of the body; ascites (fluid in the abdomen) and intestinal obstruction (blockage of the intestines). Causes of Ovarian Cancer — The ovarian cancer is caused by non-cancerous fluid filled sacs or enlarged ovaries, embryonic caught up tissues in ovaries at foetal stage, or tumours due to hormonal bombardment of ovaries. The risk of developing ovarian cancer appears to be affected by several factors although the exact cause is unknown. The risk factors include: being unable to become pregnant; bearing first child after 30; menstruation before 12 and menopause after 55; having a family history of uterine, breast or colon cancer; and the practice of puffing underwear and the pelvic region with talcum powder.