Cancer Fighting Foods

Lung Cancer
Famous international victims of this cancer include actor Paul Newman, Christopher Reeve’s wife, who never smoked but lived in radon gas territory, J. Krishnamurti and Yul Brynner. Symptoms of Lung Cancer — The most common symptoms of lung cancer are: a persistent cough; coughing up blood; shortness of breath; difficulty in swallowing; and weight loss. Note: These symptoms can also be caused by conditions other than cancer. A simple chest X-Ray can detect most lung cancers. Causes of Lung Cancer — You are in the danger zone if you: smoke — the more cigarettes smoked and the younger the age at which you started, the greater the risk – half of heavy smokers normally will never touch 70 — even light smokers have only 60% chance of surviving to 70; are a passive smoker — that is you don’t smoke, but live with a heavy and inconsiderate smoker who puffs indiscriminately into your space and face; work with occupational hazards, such as asbestos, coal/coke, radiation; arsenic; live in an area where radon, a colourless and odourless gas is prevalent (mostly in places where granite rocks abound) — radon gas accounts for about 1% of lung cancers. Precautions against Lung Cancer — Set a date and stop smoking; drink lots of water to flush out your system; get regular exercise — it will help you relax; buy treats with your cigarettes money; if you feel awful, think positively — your body is recovering; eat fruit, raw vegetables, chew sugar-free gum — it will keep your mouth occupied and you won’t pile on weight. The good news is that if you stop smoking, your risk of lung cancer will drop dramatically within 5 years and most of you will return to normal health within 10 years. And if you eat more fruits and vegetables with deep dark colours and cut back on fat and red meat, you have a fighting chance to avoid this disease. Scientists have reported in Newzealand that dairy farmers were five times less prone to contract lung cancer than the general population. Dairy farmers typically breathed in dust consisting largely of dried manure, and all the bacteria that grew in it. As strange as it sounds, epidemiologists are starting to uncover unexpected links between our exposure to dirt and germs, and our risk of cancer later in life.
Stomach (Gastric) Cancer
Symptoms of Stomach Cancer — The symptoms of stomach cancer arrive very late and include: nausea and indigestion after meals; feeling full even after a small meal; paleness of skin; loss of appetite; fatigue; light headedness; vomiting; pain in abdomen; and weight loss. Note: Some of these symptoms can be from other conditions. Confirmation of cancer may be established by endoscopy i.e. viewing the stomach with a flexible tube. Causes of Stomach Cancer — You carry a high risk of stomach cancer: if your diet is rich in carbohydrates and you do not eat enough of fruits, vegetables and greens; you are fond of smoked and preserved foods with harmful chemical additives; and you suffer from chronic peptic ulcers.