Blood Pressure

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156.   Dark chocolate (not white) helps reduce high BP and boosts the body’s ability to metabolise sugar in food. An ItalianUniversity found that after eating only 100 gms of dark chocolate everyday for 15 days, people had lower BP and were more sensitive to insulin. Chocolate improves the functioning of the endothelium (a layer of cells in arteries including those in the heart) that protects against blood pressure. The flavonols in cocoa prevent fat-like substances in the blood stream from oxidising and clogging the arteries. Moreover dark chocolate, containing a minimum 70% cocoa solids, can provide significant amounts of arginine, an amino-acid that is required in the production of nitric-oxide which in turn helps improve blood flow, inflammation, and blood pressure. However, moderation is the key!


157.   Cucumber, alkaline in nature and a natural diuretic, is a blood pressure lowering food. Being the valuable source of potassium, magnesium, sulphur, silicon and chlorine helps maintain good health. Fibre in it reduces cholesterol level and relieves constipation. The potassium, it contains, helps lower BP amongst hypertensive people. A study conducted by DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) showed that people on a high potassium, high fibre and low fat diet were able to lower the BP by 5.5 systolic and 3 diastolic pressure points as compared to others. The magnesium content also relaxes nerves and muscles to aid free flow of blood. A glass of cucumber juice can be taken thrice daily, mixed with two teaspoons of honey and a teaspoon of lemon juice.

Egg Plant

158.   Egg plant contains nasunin and several other terpene phytonutrients which help relax blood vessels, thereby improving blood flow. It also reduces plaque buildup in arteries and reduces the bad LDL cholesterol. The potassium in the egg plant also protects the heart by regulating the BP and heart beat.

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